Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Why have auto-aim, why?

It's optional. You can choose the difficulty level in Singleplayer and there are different server options that have auto-aim or not.
Originally Posted by Drakhir View Post
It's optional. You can choose the difficulty level in Singleplayer and there are different server options that have auto-aim or not.

But online, no, you get autoaimed and it gets you mad.
the god
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
But online, no, you get autoaimed and it gets you mad.

Not really.
You can choose a Casual, Medium (?) or Expert playlist (AKA Server). Casual has auto-aim, Medium helps you a little big with the aim and Expert is free aim.
I don't see why some people use autoaim, it's okay to use it when you just start I guess but it's not that hard to control an aimer with a controller anyway, some may be better at it but still, when playing single player and things just being able to hold down the left trigger and almost automatically kill the person by shooting a few times with no aim just ruins the fun for me.

Good thing there is hardcore modes online.
Yeah, I found it not as fun using the auto-aim in SP, I played through almost the entire game on expert and it is much more rewarding.