Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
the right to get married freely?...

To the same extent as heterosexuals they had this right.

But thanks for at least trying lol
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
We’re now at 10% of the world’s population, up from zero little more than a decade ago.

10% of the world's population what?

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
so what youre incinuating is that although ~90% of gay couples cant get married without travelling across the world, they have the same marriage rights as straight couples all of whom can get married wherever they what whenever they want?

I'm not insinuating it, I outright said it lol. I've said several times that they had equal rights. Why is this even unclear? They had equal rights <- please quote me saying that next time you are unsure about what I actually said.

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
We know it is a fact that 50 years ago there was nowhere in the world gay couples could get married, we also know you think gay couples have always had equal marriage rights. Are yousaying that not being able to marry at all and being able to marry is having the same marriage rights?

Lol name even 1 country that would prevent gays from being married, at any point in history, and I'll concede you that point the entire argument.

Can you do that?

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
In other words do you think having marriage rights and not having them is the same thing?

No? They are the opposite things... X and not X are obviously opposite, what kind of argument is this supposed to be? But they didn't not have marriage rights so not sure what you are trying to argue lol.

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
how about the case that this thread is about ._.

The couples were not denied on the basis of their sexuality, although even if they were that is the actions of ONE INDIVIDUAL not THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
the reason they dont get asked is because usually you can tell, I mean its abit of a giveaway if both of the people wanting to get married are men

smh yeah I agree with that but I don't know what you are getting at, but yes that would be a dead give away XD

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
and how about all the people who wanted ti get married in the 20th century, they all got denied

I already listed a bunch of very famous gay people that got married in the 20th century, read thread pls.

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
"We’re now at 10% of the world’s population, up from zero little more than a decade ago"

how does that not alert you to unequal rights

lol ok mate, fyi we are up 100% iPhone 6 ownership from a decade ago too. iPhone 6 inequality C O N F I R M E D.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
90% of gay couples cant get married without travelling across the world.

I didn't say that, we do not know whether the number of gay couples per country is uniformly spread across all countries.
Good morning sweet princess
While it may be of religious origins, homophobia is often a product of discrimination and hatred. I think thank we as a society we are moving past discrimination as a whole, and religious people are learning to be more lenient with others. This is unquestionably a step in the right direction. It is a problem still though. About the 20 famous gay people getting married. Famous people are much more likely to have the right to gay marriage because if they were denied, it would become a huuuuuuge deal.

Yet another example of immortalpig taking discussion threads hostage and then getting away with it because he plays by the rules. Immortal when you do this you often block the opportunity of others, and I believe you were very losely displaying discrimination in page 1. Feel free to throw me a PM to avoid derailing.

Immortalpig one AREA is the Middle East. They have thrown homosexuals off of buildings. I've heard the stories of a man that had to flee the Middle East because he was afraid of his peers finding out and literally murdering him. I was told that the hatred towards homosexuals is extremely public, and that citizens avidly crowd to watch these people die. Nobody does anything about it. People encourage it. I got this information directly from an Iranian.

It may not be law that citizens cannot get married, but a majority gay people do not risk getting married in the Middle East out of fear. This does literally prevent them, the danger is blatantly real.

Food for thought here, giving gay people the right to marry does not hurt others. It obviously triggers derogatory feelings, but it doesn't burn skin. It does not make life unbearable. It does not prevent you from happiness. It may make you pissed off, but it shouldn't. At the end of the day it hurts gay people from an emotional standpoint, it can make life kind of unbearable and it does prevent gay people from being happy. Therefore it is unjust, and society is now naturally reacting toward unjustness. This is our world naturally moving forward toward a greater civilization, and it is a good thing. Learning to live with difference is a good thing.
Last edited by Aracoon; Sep 20, 2015 at 12:53 PM.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
While it may be of religious origins, homophobia is often a product of discrimination and hatred. I think thank we as a society we are moving past discrimination as a whole, and religious people are learning to be more lenient with others. This is unquestionably a step in the right direction. It is a problem still though.

Sorry but why is this unquestionably a step in the right direction?

We are talking about thought policing and legislating the likes and dislikes of people, whom I think should have the right to free thought.

Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
Yet another example of immortalpig taking discussion threads hostage and then getting away with it because he plays by the rules. Immortal when you do this you often block the opportunity of others, and I believe you were very losely displaying discrimination in page 1. Feel free to throw me a PM to avoid derailing.

The point of discussion threads is to discuss. People are free to reply to me or anyone else, I certainly don't hold threads hostage.......

Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
Immortalpig one AREA is the Middle East. They have thrown homosexuals off of buildings. I've heard the stories of a man that had to flee the Middle East because he was afraid of his peers finding out and literally murdering him. I was told that the hatred towards homosexuals is extremely public, and that citizens crowd to watch these people die. Nobody does anything about it. People encourage it.

It may not be law that citizens cannot get married, but a majority gay people do not risk getting married in the Middle East out of fear. This does literally prevent them, the danger is blatantly real.

I'm aware of this, but what I'm not aware of is what point you are trying to make by bringing it up Aracoon.

Are you simply trying to build sympathy for homosexuals? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, emotional arguments are usually more effective than logical ones, but if you merely state "Arab gays are having a hard time" it doesn't really do much to evoke a response.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
Food for thought here, giving gay people the right to marry does not hurt others. It obviously triggers derogatory feelings, but it doesn't burn skin. It does not make life unbearable. It does not prevent you from happiness. It may make you pissed off, but it shouldn't. At the end of the day it hurts gay people from an emotional standpoint, it can make life kind of unbearable and it does prevent gay people from being happy. Therefore it is unjust, and society is now naturally reacting toward unjustness. This is our world naturally moving forward toward a greater civilization, and it is a good thing. Learning to live with difference is a good thing.

Well, I disagree on practically everything you just said.

Firstly gay marriage doesn't exist in a vacuum, everyone in the entire society is affected.
Secondly what we are talking about is the feelings of gays vs the feelings of Christians (to boil it down substantially), and you are erring on the side of the minority (I don't have to tell you why that is undemocratic do I?).
Thirdly, just because something does "no harm" doesn't mean it does any good, and doesn't mean it should be allowed. I think this is a VERY POOR argument, things should be done because they have a good positive impact, not simply because you "It may make you pissed off, but it shouldn't" (aka thought policing).

If you want to advance civilization and the world, then I don't think legalizing gay marriage would even make it on the top 1000 things to do, heck, it would be closer to the bottom of the list than the top. How exactly does it benefit civilization or the world at all? It's pointless on every level - apart from the "feelings of homosexuals who want to get married and liberals who want to showcase just how tolerant they are" level.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

Lol name even 1 country that would prevent gays from being married, at any point in history, and I'll concede you that point the entire argument.

Can you do that?

I named a group of counties.
The consensus of the world (aside from ISIS, some religious people and a select few) is that moving forward from homophobia is a good thing. Most Christians I've met have actually said that they are supportive of LGBT.
So immortalpig, as this is contributive toward moving this discussion forward, are you slightly homophobic? This is something I would like to know. Be honest, we will not judge you if you are.
You realize that giving gay people the right to get married makes a monumental positive impact on their lives?
Last edited by Aracoon; Sep 20, 2015 at 01:23 PM.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
I named a group of counties.
The consensus of the world (aside from ISIS and a select few) is that moving forward from homophobia is a good thing.

Killing gays is not the same as denying them marriage (IMO, but from some of the posts in the thread you would think it is the same lol).

Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
So immortalpig, as this is contributive toward moving this discussion forward, are you slightly homophobic? This is something I would like to know. Be honest, we will not judge you if you are.

Not consciously, but considering I'm not homosexual myself, there's a 100% chance that I am sub-consciously.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Killing gays is not the same as denying them marriage (IMO, but from some of the posts in the thread you would think it is the same lol).

It makes gays feel extremely unsafe to get married. Are you serious? It installs fear in their minds which largely prevents them from publicly being gay. Marriage is very typically a public thing.

Point being Middle Easterners are very afraid of coming out of the closet and for good reason. Would you like to be thrown off of a building for openly being or supporting homosexuality?
Last edited by Aracoon; Sep 20, 2015 at 01:30 PM.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
It makes gays feel extremely unsafe to get married. Are you serious? It installs fear in their minds which largely prevents them from publicly being gay.

Well I certainly acknowledge that, but it's still not the same thing...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Well I certainly acknowledge that, but it's still not the same thing...

They are denied marriage by their peers through fear of endangerment in the middle east. They have also stoned gay people to death and sawed their heads off. You never stated "... legally prevents gays from getting married,"
And another thing, gays have been denied their rights as human beings, why can't we deny the right for them to be denied? Seperation of church and state right? Wait a second, we are denying the right for gays to be denied. GG America. Our government has learned that this is wrong.
Last edited by Aracoon; Sep 20, 2015 at 01:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
They are denied marriage by their peers through fear of endangerment in the middle east. They have also stoned gay people to death and sawed their heads off. You never stated "... legally prevents gays from getting married,"

Which isn't the same thing mate.

Being killed for being gay is not the same as being denied a marriage license for being gay.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
And another thing, gays have been denied their rights as human beings, why can't we deny the right for them to be denied? Seperation of church and state right? Wait a second, we are denying the right for gays to be denied. GG America. Our government has learned that this is wrong.

lol funny
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff