Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Don't think I could post the strangest thing I've done, it's something only one other person really knows about so far :3
Buuut I guess one of the strangest in a way is when I drove 400km just to visit Lars for a few days. Seriously, how weird isn't it to drive that far to visit someone you've only known over the internet for a couple of years?
It was pretty funny how his parents were super paranoid and I had to sleep in a caravan outside their house because they thought I would try to murder them all or something. To be fair they didn't even know I was coming until I was a few km away though.

Strangest things I've experienced are probably actually the shitload of times I wake up from dreams and have absolutely lost all concept of what is real and what was just a dream, happens constantly.
Or maybe just being Furry, holy shit that messes with your sense of what's weird and what's normal.

Not sure what would be the peak experience, love would be nice I suppose.

I have no idea what single experience has affected me most, but this whole year has definitely changed me quite a bit. Both plenty of good things and plenty of bad things. Lost a friend, my grandma, our dog and one of our horses. But yeah, plenty of good things too, which I for some reason can't really put into words right now.

Imma just rate myself a 3 for now.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
A special edition of Drunk Puff Answers Questions!

What is the strangest thing you have done?
I've never ever really done much.

What is the strangest thing you have experienced?
This one time this artist did their thing, and also documented his life, and it pissed me off so much I had to completely re-evaluate myself and shift in the music I enjoyed and everything. I've probably found things stranger before, but the same stuff loses their significance when I started finding, differently. I think there's a part of my mind that's been kinda dormant and it now it's laughing obnoxiously and swearing a ton. There was this feeling like part of my brain wasn't returning any values for me to work with, and I felt really hateful and claustrophobic in my room, where all the walls are sterile and white and all my furniture was designed to avoid unnecessary function or take undetermined shape and I was just wishing that all this stuff had burnt edges and mildew stains. I feel like I can laugh at some things now. Make things funny, and maybe learn to defend myself sometimes.

if that doesn’t answer the question i will try again

What would be your peak experience in life?
I'm hoping it's just before I am dead. So it's all for learning to climb smoothly right now.

Really great answers from everyone.

Brubs, I'm super happy you and Lars at least did it once, at one point in time part of the clan met and merry times were had.

It's funny thinking that you and I fluffs went through a similar deal with girls. I had all kinds of weird stuff like that happen to me.

I'm really sympathetic to your situation Fruit, my perspective of the world has been blown out of proportion several times over this year. Also, if you can get life to peak just before death, I would say that was cool but you wouldn't have truly enjoyed yourself until you're old or something. Unless you want to go out in your 20s on a rainbow plane doing loop de loops.

Whatevs, I'll answer my own questions next time I am on the drunk side.
Drunk Puff Asks Questions:
What is the strangest thing you have done?
A batlle between when I got me and my friend to jam with music for like 10 minutes while in the dark and wearing blankets on our heads so we couldnt'd see each other or when one time this friend told me to go away but I had nowhere to go so I just lay down outside his tent durnig a festival, he eventually after lots of emabatrassment let me sleep in the tent. (I was very cold lying in the grass.

What is the strangest thing you have experienced?
One time I have phased out of reality and I for sure went into a fantasy where I jumped around a park and experienced things I will never understand. While I don't think a drug lifestyle is recommended, I also would never say life is beyonded such experiences. I think people should experience all kinds of things that they were told not to. DBUHOS, DEATHGRIPS IS AN EXAMPLE of life being something to experience no matter how much society thinks of it.

When life is shit, "that which is necessary, is above the law" I really do mean experience things no matter what the law says if life is just worthless

What would be your peak experience in life?
Unfortuantely, during year 11 or something, I was talkign about how I had a girlfriend at the time. She was eventually a bad person for me, but while I was with her I had many good times that made me very happy/ I was satisfied being with her and it never mattered where my life was going, because it felt like I had ticked all the boxes.

FROOT, For real, I absolutely sympathise with your struggle at the koment, when I was dealing with my mMum and with living aaway from ghome I realied that life becomes avery REAL thing that is beyond human comprehension, that people try all the time to understand. It changes with the generation and I feel like it as definitely not respresented accurately at the moment. Hang in there, a Debt collecter called me the other day about something My MUm had done with Australia's version of welfare. They wanted $750 from me that I don't have. I considered leaving and jumping on a boat and seeing what I did with life. I still might. I have thought a lot about what I should be doing. I still want to travel overseas and just try a culture shock () Because I need to have somthing that makes me more human.

Optional Questions:

What experience has affected you the most in life?
My current relatioship with my Mum which is very rocky at the moment.

It never occured to me that she was wrong until she told me that I was useless. I realised that she was living in a very insecure reality and that I had to break free of that., For anyone else that is stuck on the idea that they can't come out, then you shoukd move ion, and ignore the rules that you are taught, Because really, if you are unhappy because of some rules, then break them, nake sure you are happy and stick with it. Brubs has shown us that even the most sacred of rules, can and should be broken. If you aren't the right gender because school makes you feel bad for being yourself, then fuck tthat and figure out who you really are.

Out of 10, how do you rate yourself?
What a douchebag for asking this question, maybe I was trying to dig into inecurity or something. I actually think that I rate highly when it somees to looks but of course, it is subjective or atleast matters what the majority of people tyhink. Anyway, if I am ug;ly I will accept it. I don't know for sure, but I think that I am attractive..

Drunk Honesty:
I love all of you for real, one of my only goals (for real) is tp have us meet up and have our picture taken together. It will prove a lot more than you think.

It will prive that the internet has the power for people to meet and it has the poewr for the whole world to unite. We all have the power to create story that everone can aspire to, that freinds can be made that are above distance between.

Peace friends, Clan Guru out
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
A special edition of Drunk Puff Answers Questions!

Drunk Puff Asks Questions:
What is the strangest thing you have done?

What is the strangest thing you have experienced?

What would be your peak experience in life?

Optional Questions:

What experience has affected you the most in life?

Out of 10, how do you rate yourself?

I'm so late and I don't even give a fuck, fuck.

1. I don't really do strange things, I'm rather chill and just sit around a lot but this year kicked off eerie as hell, I think by the end of this year I'll have something that I may deem strange.

2.Beside being surrounded by 5-6 girls talking about how they lost their virginity and nasty girl stuff...I had this friend in middle school, well, more of an acquittance. At some point we went out with some more friends of his and got stumped in a forest that I have no idea of because why not. Got lost like two times in few hours and wandered around until I found the path and navigated my arse back to them. Either way, it was later in the night when we gained our lucidity back and decided to grail up some meat. Now the fucking grill was nowhere to be found and we sure as heck didn't lose it anywhere. Some guys decided to eat raw meat for the fuck of it, mostly lols. That ended up very liquid..-y and messy. Either way, camping in a forest is creepy and I was scared shitless back then. I'd repeat the experience without hesitation now, though.

3.My peak would be earning decent money off my paintings/drawings. Self improvement is best.

4. browsing 4chan, that shit just wrecked my mind, wrenched it right open and motivated me enough to do something for myself. While doing so it also allowed me to meet some cool guise, find awesome music and movies and just experience so much more of this kind of entertainment.

5. Shit, I don't know. In my mind, I feel 7'ish. I'm on my way to where I want to be and I'm going there at decent peace but I will not be happy until I reach my little point of no return, when I'll have everything I want.
Here's a drunk monologue for you since there aren't any questions at this point in time.

Where I live is in the middle of central Victoria, a state in Australia to the south right. I don't know much beyond this because I haven't personally experienced anything else but a little bit of the states above and to the left. I am to believe that Melbourne, our capital, is one of the best cities in my country. Also, I am to believe that it's a destination for many tourists. Melbourne is great relative to what I know, it has amazing opportunity, for artists and others alike. I on the other hand will not be supported unless I have something to offer society, whether local (Australian) or worldwide, and that affects me all the time.

With my parent (my parents separated at an early age) she gave up supporting me when I was in late primary school (age 10). I don't know whether I've come back from that or not.

I hope all of you are figuring out what to do, how to live, and what you want to do with your life, and all hints of you doing that will be supported by me. If you share your thoughts and art and music here, I'll support you absolutely.