So looked up when fermi would come out for nvidia and came across this article.
it has lots of cool info if you have time to read through, but basically it says that the production is really inefficient and the cards aren't as powerful as they shoulda been. So nvidia is kinda screwed.
Also, sabrepc listed the gtx 470 prematurely for about 600 bucks. I sure hope it's a huge typo at least in price. Cuz if it is really that much, Ima go ati, screw physx.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

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Incognito - [o]
Historically speaking, nVidia has always out-done ATI in performance and sales, and they're really what you think of when it comes to gaming cards. Although ATI has released some quality products lately, I really don't see the "tide turning".
In the article, they mentioned that the higher end ati cards were outselling the nvidia cards 20 to 1. (or something similar)
cuz dx11 is a pretty good reason to get ati right now.

But yeah, i've always thought of nvidia as the larger player. Until recently.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
In my opinion nvidia is way better. The gtx 295 is insane, harnessing the power of two video cards in one, and you can use two for quad-core SLI gaming. Plus they are developing a new card, go to the website for more info (youll have to look for it though).
Someone's gonna get hurt.............IT AIN'T GONNA BE ME!!!!!!
Originally Posted by stickman5 View Post
In my opinion nvidia is way better. The gtx 295 is insane, harnessing the power of two video cards in one, and you can use two for quad-core SLI gaming. Plus they are developing a new card, go to the website for more info (youll have to look for it though).


so is ATI's Radeon HD 5970... Fastest card today. Plust ATI Radeon HD 4870x2 was the first MODERN dual gpu to come to the market (3dfx's Voodoo was the first dual-gpu in 1996)... I remember seeing a 4x crossfire of 4870x2... 8x GPU, ridiculous... I wouldn't get such a machine even if I had the money to spend on it, though.

Plus gtx 295 costs way too much. ATI offers a better pricer vs performance ratio.
Nvidia products doesn't cost even more now because ATI has released challenging products in the last 3 years that made Nvidia gradually lose part of its monopoly and the prices had inevitably to go down to avoid even more losses. I remember when a Nvidia 8800 ultra was around 800€...
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Feb 25, 2010 at 10:44 PM.
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