Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Full of myself? I'm simply making a remark relating to philosophy. I suggest you read up on some philosophy bro.

I'm not much for philosophy at all. Too intangible. That being said, superpowers are fictional, so err... Yeah. I basically shouldn't have started arguing in the first place. Arguing over things that won't ever happen is a bit pointless. >.>

Also, imitation. Being able to imitate everything in every sense would be pretty darn powerful as well.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by harlammed View Post
shit man, alter tecnolegy?

Maybe he can invent himself a spell checker

Originally Posted by shook View Post
I'm not much for philosophy at all. Too intangible. That being said, superpowers are fictional, so err... Yeah. I basically shouldn't have started arguing in the first place. Arguing over things that won't ever happen is a bit pointless. >.>

Who says its not the state of reality in the first place?
I'd have teh power to have any power i wanted.
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
2. You have capabilities of being Super Strong, by simply stopping time you could easily engineer any form of explosion or sabotage in order to attain the goal that Super Strength would also have accomplished.

That's not super strength, it's just an alternative, + you would need the knowledge and abilities to do it.
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
3. You can never die if you see it fit.

If you were immune to the time stopping then you would still be againg at a normal rate, it's relative according to your terms. Therefore, there's no way for you to stop aging, and don't say 'I'll stop time and invent a cure, because you'd still be aging during that and you'd still need all the abilities and knowledge.

Also, you forgot that you would probably fuck up the timestream very badly, and if that didn't happen then you'd have to create alternate realities, as warcry said. You lose either way.

If you disagree with any of my points, believe there is a more useful power then post your thoughts. If there are no replies I will assume you agree.

Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
A person with the power of space-time manipulation cannot have their memories altered by a change in their own personal timeline. In short, they are immune to the effects of a paradox changing time and if a person changes the past, their own memories of what things were like before the change will remain unaltered. The one exception to this is if they die in another time, but theoretically, if one can bend space and time, then one could make oneself look younger, physically become younger and make himself invincible. Bodily aging is caused by physical degradation of the body over time, not time itself.
If the user had full control over his power, he or she could reverse time on their bodies (making themselves physically younger), whilst keeping it still on their minds, to retain their memories and identity.

Could I not therefore reverse you into nothing. Also, how does me killing your parents not stop you from existing, assuming there is only one timeline.

This is impossible, as memory is just data stored in our brain then making yourself younger would make you lose your memories of it and probably deal some damage to your brain from instant braincell degeneration.

Originally Posted by dragoblade View Post
1: super athletics

aka being able to scale walls to an extend that is virtualy impossible
being able to jump fences easily

2:the ability to distort and control matter

for instance i could run through walls have no gravity and stuff...if i wanted to fly i could by just lifting the ground bits under me
i could alter tecnolegy from the inside out...and u get the point


You would need absolutely massive mental capicity and a very good knowledge of physics to even move a grain of sand.

My power would be super speed, provided I could somehow have it along with superreflexes and without inertia, that would be absolute bliss.

Edit: Oh, plus a metabolism that alters, so that I may be able to sustain whatever speed I choose.
Last edited by phail; Jan 21, 2010 at 11:48 PM.
lead Sigma
Originally Posted by phail View Post
If you were immune to the time stopping then you would still be againg at a normal rate, it's relative according to your terms. Therefore, there's no way for you to stop aging, and don't say 'I'll stop time and invent a cure, because you'd still be aging during that and you'd still need all the abilities and knowledge.

The way to do this would be to increase the rate of flow of time and have other people work on it.

I'd make an awesome super hero because I'm smrt.
Alter reality eh? Sounds interesting, although m0o Imagine yourself actually having that ability - Your life would be... "Perfect"

If you think that's a nice cup of tea. Then I'll won't go into any circumstances, observations, philosophy, and the like. Altering reality would be the strongest, but the best? No, not in my eyes it wouldn't.

The best one I've read so far would be Warcry's Immortality and Stamina Combo. Although, I'd miss the feeling you get from being refreshed/sleeping.

Personally I'd go for flying. Just to enjoy the view.
Last edited by JinxZ; Jan 22, 2010 at 03:35 AM. Reason: WarCrys'

Originally Posted by JinxZ View Post
Alter reality eh? Sounds interesting, although m0o Imagine yourself actually having that ability - Your life would be... "Perfect"

If you think that's a nice cup of tea. Then I'll won't go into any circumstances, observations, philosophy, and the like. Altering reality would be the strongest, but the best? No, not in my eyes it wouldn't.

The best one I've read so far would be Warcry's Immortality and Stamina Combo. Although, I'd miss the feeling you get from being refreshed/sleeping.

Personally I'd go for flying. Just to enjoy the view.

Being that which brings the universe into existence via its imagining would be the strongest, as it would only inhabit your mind and you would have absolute control. Reality warpers, for example can be killed by time travellers easily.

If I was to pick a "cool" super power, it would probably be something along the lines of doctor who and the ability to live forever.
Probably the ability to have infinite wishes so I can do whatever I want.

(Time traveler beats reality warper, both of them combined beats both of them separately.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Being that which brings the universe into existence via its imagining would be the strongest, as it would only inhabit your mind and you would have absolute control. Reality warpers, for example can be killed by time travellers easily.

If I was to pick a "cool" super power, it would probably be something along the lines of doctor who and the ability to live forever.

How would a Time traveler kill a reality warper? I just don't see how that would happen. (Not trying to sound rude or anything, but I really can't.)

Also, I believe that reality warpers are: "[Beings] that which [bring] the universe into existence via its imagining." Which does make them the strongest. (As I said above...) However, the strongest power is not necessarily the best power. The best power, (In my opinion.) should bring about the best possible life for the user, and maybe even the rest of the world.

Edit: Doctor powers would be really cool. Going around living life to help others like a hermit.
Last edited by JinxZ; Jan 22, 2010 at 04:51 AM.
