Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
"Who won E3?"

If I'd have to call a few I'd say:

Killzone 4 (PS4)
Forza Motorsport 5 (XBO)
Plants VS Zombies: Garden Warfare (XBO & 360 first, PC and PS3 later)
Titanfall (XBO)
Destiny (XBO, 360, PS4, PS3)

For the games itself it's going to be Halo & Titanfall (XBO) VS Killzone (PS4) and FM5 (XBO) VS GT6 and Driveclub (PS4).
Basically the customisation options on the racegames will sell the consoles for me.

If FM5 was on the PS4 I'd buy it without a thought.

Titanfall is also going to be on PC and 360.
I wasn't aware you could win E3. I was under the impression that everyone was a loser if you participated in it during a console release.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
XBOX dropped out like a bunch of sons.
PS4 came in heavy (I want one)

Wii U has won. There is just so many god damn games I want from it in the next year.
Shitbox one got owned. They tried to cram too much useless crap into it.
PS4 will rule the planet for the next 5 years.

Going to stick to my PS3 until Elder Scrolls Online comes out.
Buying a PS4 and sitting in my basement for 2 months when that happens.
Originally Posted by up2u View Post
Titanfall is also going to be on PC and 360.

Totally right, I missed that!
I'm not much of a PC gamer, though. So that isn't cutting the decision for me ;]
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
To me, Nintendo won. Only because I like their games, and that's what it's all about. Buy the system with the games you want.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
I merely pointed out what Sony have said they're doing & why they're charging. Hardly a discussion, more a one sided fact-slap. ;)

Woah, why are you being so aggressive? It's totally reasonable for ask for citations or facts when something so strange comes up.

I'm not very fond of your "how dare you ask for facts, my opinion is absolute!" attitude...
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Fine, I'll bite since that's obviously what you're aiming for.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Have you actually read anything that the Sony reps have said about the PSN changes & why they're charging? That quote was from the VG247 interview when asked:

Why do you think the time is right to start charging for online gaming on PSN?

Would you like me to get another from another interview? Maybe that'll get your panties unknotted. Enjoy.

Longer response from another interview

I could pull numerous other interviews about it, and all have the same response.

Because people with more than 2 cells in their head would know what he was talking about without needing a 20 page essay prefacing it.

No, it's what Sony have said. Once again, research it. Hell it doesn't take much looking to find it.

I'm not going to bother responding to the rest, I have better things to do than toss food at trolls.

Good, you can support your claims if you try, that was all I was asking for.

I still think the idea that paying more for something automatically makes it better is ludicrous.
Originally Posted by sid View Post
are you two really discussing rather the PS4's money will go to improving itself or not? With sources?

Sony will probably make changes to their console. Sony needs money to make changes and do console stuff. Sony makes money from online services. So Sony's money will in part come from online services. They have also talked about how their smaller pricetag is due in part to their online service. Ergo, money from the online service will contribute to improving the console. How complicated can it be?

Like I said, Sony makes money from publishers and game sales. If you take a read of what SkulFuk posted you can see the situation isn't what you assume it to be. You already know that publishers host or organise their own servers, the cost of the PSN network for multiplayer is minimal and easily covered by charges from the publisher.
Essentially what Sony wants money for is these "additional services", stuff like the free games people can play. As with the previous PSN, multiplayer basically costs them nothing. But by packaging it with a other services they can charge for it and say "it's good value".
So there you go, it was important to discuss it because your assumption of how it works was actually a bit off!
Originally Posted by Tapion View Post
To me, Nintendo won. Only because I like their games, and that's what it's all about. Buy the system with the games you want.

I'm pretty sure they'd win if they announced a new Star Fox or Metroid.
oh yeah

when you got Microsoft teaming up with EA you know there destened to fail

Sony had a lot of prase

but nintendo blew everyone out of the water

RIP dog, RIP tgs
Lets say this.

Don't flame now. Wait untill the consoles come out and still after that wait half year
and then start flaming when you should have some nice proof of what they will really be.

Still Pc is the best. :/

Still my opinion in consoles.

Im on xbox only because of forzas.
Gt series is just horrible arcade driving.
