hey 'o')/ my name is loct.. well you can call me.. loct. *wat
okay i want to join wapow because i want to make friends :|
and maybe i want to learn from senior. and i think im good in few mods >.>
What's you favorite mod?
my favourite mod is lenshu, aikido, and maybe ninjutu.
i think my old clan is dying ;-; *halph
im playing toribash 2 hours per day, maybe.
and i don't often post in forums.. well maybe because my english is bad :|
if there's a message in my inbox, i will immediately reply it *if im online >.>
about 3 years ago i played this game and i don't understand how it works so i uninstall it.
and then suddenly about few months ago i found this game again and i play it.
im addicted >.>
Sorry for my bad english .-.
What do you have to offer WAPOW? Hard work and dedication to help WAPOW grow bigger and stronger so it can be a true power house.

What's you favorite mod? AssassinTower is always fun!

How often do you play? Its rather an addiction.

Do you post regularly in forums? Yes i sure do.

Do you check and respond to your PMs? Yes i do!

Tell us about your Toribash experience.
I started playing in 2009 and fell in love with the game play that Toribash has to offer.
It was love at first Free play.


Im an 3 South east Queensland title holder, 1 Queensland title holder and have one Gold and Silver at the Australian titles in November 2013.

For more information about me feel free to PM me!
K, so im Ragerpg123 and I wanna apply for Wapow because you helped me when I needed it in Godly of course and just cause you guys are kewl. now you all know that I know that you Know that im good. I also think you guys are active and high ranked. My favorite mod is MUSHU on Toribash. I am SUPER forum active, in fact that is my favorite thing to do I use it a lot. I respond on forums to pms and things like that. I got a group called Propeller Team, so that proves how much I use it. Ima grammar Nazi so you spelled
"Do you check and respond to you PMs?" without an r in you. I play Soccer but I got lots of time in tb to play. I don't a Skype
-Luv Ragerpg123(Wapow <3)
Last edited by ragerpg123; Feb 17, 2015 at 06:25 PM.
Recent Applicants
Sorry OhLolz
You seem like a nice guy, but you need to improve your skills before joining a clan such as ours.

Get to know us in-game and find me, Eltyion, Flamesmash or PimpKilla for a skill test.

I will say it here again, we are being very critical of all new applicants.
The WAPOW puzzle is basically complete at this point.
We are only recruiting great warriors who are good sports and fun people who get along with our family.

ragerpg123, DENIED!
You might want to belt up, get some more experience and improve your posting skills.

I don't have any idea why you copied and pasted from tully3's app.
The mistype was corrected a long time ago.

M1l3yCyrus, DENIED!
Very creative app, but you are not WAPOW material.

At the risk of repeating myself:
You might want to belt up, get some more experience and improve your posting skills.

Last edited by Krulls; Feb 17, 2015 at 09:13 PM. Reason: Missed a couple responses LOL
Krulls, what about me? I have met lots more members, and have told extremealt, bananas, flamesmash, pimpkilla, tully, headkill, and samaguris to recommend me to you(all of them agreed and said i was good enough for wapow).

You seemed like a cool guy until a little birdy told us that your main was banned for duel scamming. We only want people we can trust so Denied
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
[WAPOW] New Official Recruitment Thread
What do you have to offer WAPOW?

You know, it's pretty much the same all the time. One thing I can offer to WAPOW is loyalty. Before this, I have only been in one other clan, Godly. I had been in it for a long time and even when people quit and the clan died, I stayed. Until the very end ;-;. I love Toribash, and I know how clans are. Clans are a commitment, not something you just join for power or props or even temporary pleasure. I'm not the type of asshole who would leave when things get tough. I will stay loyal and true to the clan, and I will think only for the best of this clan. The reason I chose WAPOW is because this clan is like a tight knit family. You guys are really awesome. Everyone is active, nice, spontaneous, fun, and WAPOW in general is a really friendly place to be. If by some chance I do happen to get accepted, I will do my best to improve and maintain WAPOW to the best of my ability.
Secondly, I do think of myself as an exceptional gamer, Toribash specifically. Although my only other alt is a blue belt and I'm not some #1 ranked 1337 Dan Black Belt, I have tons of potential and quite a lot under my belt. I don't mean to brag, but I am well above my current class. With come more practice and experience, I will be bumping elbows with the best in no time.
Third, I'm not a douche bag. I'm polite, good spirited, and although I take the game a little seriously, I don't take it seriously enough for losing (or winning) to effect my emotions. It's just a game. And I understand that perfectly well.

What's your favorite mod?

Most definitely aikido big dojo and violence_perfected. Since I was a little sprout, I always found the most enjoyment in aikido and other low-gravity mods. Doing karate for 9 years and wrestling for 3, it just felt natural to throw skrubs out of the ring and 440 no scope their arms off. I can handle myself well in low-gravity mods too, but I definitely prefer regular mods.

How often do you play?

Unfortunately my schedule is rather...unpredictable. My parents, being as strict and loving as they are, always keep me busy when I'm not ramming the left-click. When I'm not messing people up in Toribash, I'm doing home projects, making EDM, doing sports, and spending time with my little bro. When I do manage to get in game, I play about 3-5 hours of strictly Toribash (favorite game 11/10 ~ign).

Do you post regularly in forums?

Shortest answer in the world:


I have forum apps on my computer, iPhone, iPad, kindle, you name it! Since I check forums every morning, school lunch, and night, I tend to stay updated with all the Jazz that goes on in forums. Don't worry about that! ;)

Do you check and respond to your PMs?

Always. I read and answer PMs as soon as my brain registers their existence. If I don't answer a PM in 24 hours of receiving it, you can assume I'm dead.

Toribash Experience:

Pretty much noob. I'm a black belt, my only alt is a blue belt. I'm naturally skilled at the game but I haven't gotten enough practice to actually implement said skills into reality. Unfortunately my rank sucks because I'm always battling custom belts and MLG pros. Not all is bad though! I was previously leader of Godly before it died out, and I've been staff on various gaming forums in my past. I know how to stay mature and open minded in daunting situations.

Skype Username:


More about me: I'm known as Nitro Fun or Gustavo Rangel to my friends. I make EDM and I'm actually a part of the Monstercat Community. Naturally I love video games, Toribash being my favorite so far. I do not have plans on leaving this amazing game anytime soon. :P

Thanks for reading!
Last edited by BeanSprout; Feb 18, 2015 at 04:24 AM.
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
Originally Posted by Flamesmash View Post

You seemed like a cool guy until a little birdy told us that your main was banned for duel scamming. We only want people we can trust so Denied

It wasn't a scam, I just didn't want to pay the item for some dumb reason and then forgot about it. Please forgive me and let me into the clan. The person that I dueled, forgave me in a pm, and I didn't know the consequences of that then, and will never do that (or duel) again.
Last edited by Paid; Feb 18, 2015 at 02:40 AM.
Meh Replays
A few of my Derpiest Replays...Enjoy?
Attached Files
yeh.rpl (82.4 KB, 6 views)
epic.rpl (60.4 KB, 5 views)
i fail.rpl (767.4 KB, 5 views)
Ok.rpl (30.3 KB, 5 views)
U Ded.rpl (55.0 KB, 3 views)