Neopet cards. Including but not limited to:

I also own Tormund and Roberta two hero cards, can't find pics though.(Both are the two heros from that Neopets game, darkest farie or something)
Holy shit m0o that's quite a collection you've got there. :U

Anyways nerdy things you say. Let's see now:
- More PC games than we have space for in this room without dumping them outside of shelves. Stacking all of them on top of each other would probably yield a stack taller than the room itself.
- A PC game that's older than i am, namely Gobliiins. Made in 1990, i'm born in 1992. :P
- A couple of gameboys with accompanying Pokémon games.
- Many floppy disks lying around in a box somewhere, though i think my father gets the credit for those.
- An irregular piece of aerogel. Why? Because i thought it would be cool to own a piece of the lightest solid material on Earth. Something like 2 milligrams per cm3.
- A fantasy-esque knife that my bro bought.
- A tiny RC-helicopter. Dunno if that classifies as nerdy, but hell it is hard to fly. >.>
- Waaaaaaaaaaaay too many Wikipedia articles lodged in my mind.

Not embarrased by any of my nerdy things though. I take pride in being a nerd, yo.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I have quite a large army of Grey Knights (40k ftw!), a gamecube, an SNES,3 fully completed Ocarina of Time save slots, 3 fully completed ones in Majora's Mask...
Except I'm not ashamed about any of that. I also have over 2000 posts in an online forum.
Uh, A bunch of yoyos (Dingo, Dark Magic, a bunch of YYJ plastics), A bunch of Rubik's Cubes (Cube4you DIY Type A and F, Eastsheen 2x2 and 4x4), and a bunch of old Yu-Gi-Oh cards.