
I had a decent idea that was 5 letters long today, but it seems that I've forgotten it. I'll edit it in if I remember.

P.S. If you don't end up making a clan, you seem like the type of person that might fit into [NO]. Give it a thought. :>

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
orly. Perhaps if I ever do retire, I shall join this "[NO]." Will do some research on this clan. Thanks for the info, hanz0. Once again, you've been a big help.

Oh, and, Tom, you've been a great help too. I think I'm going with psi. ;)

EDIT: Actually, I'm going to try for [NO]. Might break away from NO if I do get in, and it doesn't fit me. Oh, and : If anybody touches the name psi, prepare to take it up the butt with a steaming hot cucumber.
Last edited by Mishmosh; Aug 2, 2010 at 05:51 AM.
You know this Suddenly came to mind and was my favorite - [Blue]
-Peaceful, simple, and even saying it is nice
Sounds nice due to the relaxed tone


Xi is my favorite when it comes to Greek
Xi and Stigma, but I wouldn't recommend using Stigma.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
lol hmm how bout [] lol the "whatchu say willis clan hahahah that a good idea >.< im smart ;P
edit: its like this [o_O] lol
|Aeon|OLDA|MasterBelt|Unibash Mod