Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I wish I could've apologized to you again for being such a horrible person to you in the past bro... I'm truly sorry and it pains me to believe this.You were such a good sport I have some great memories with you as well
see you on the other side static.
Rip Pimp
Obito is Sexy ~ Karbn
I remember meeting Static in the public lenshu room many years ago. He was a fucking amazing Lenshuplayer,one of best imo.At first we didn´t talk at all, as it is pretty common for me in this game, but after some time we connected through our mutual love for the mod. He was a funny guy and very mature on certain topics for his age, in retrospect i think having a condition that can kill you anytime makes you mature ,wether u like it or not, since u are confronted with your own mortality.
He never made his condition a topic to me btw, i actually first heard about it from someone else.Later on I talked briefly about it with him.

In more recent times we didnt talk as much since i was/am busy with other stuff but i will always remember him.

Rest in Peace
I guess part of me still can't believe it, this is so difficult, there's so many things I wanted to say to you... we became so close in these past years, I would always tell you how much you meant to me, every time I fell you were here to help me get back up, every time I doubted myself you were here to encourage me, damn, I don't want to get too emotional here because you would always yell at me for doing that haha.

But, honestly dude, after all those years having you beside me, worrying about me, pointing out the things I couldn't see, helping me become a better person, even in-game wise, you were always the one person I knew I could trust no matter what, I could talk to you about anything and you wouldn't judge me like most would, I feel like I owe you so much, I've grown this sense of responsibility for you, like you were part of my family, I felt responsible, felt like I needed to take care of you just as much as you took care of me, I would act reckless if I saw people arguing with you over anything, there were times you told me you didn't care, but I did, because to me you would always be my younger brother, and that's something that will never change, and even tho you were my younger brother, in reality it felt like you were the one looking after me, even if we never seen each other face to face, I know that our bond was beyond anything that there ever was, and not even death can break that.

I can only be grateful for having the chance of getting to know you so well, for being able to call you my family, I wish we had more time together, those 4-5 years passed by so damn quickly, still feels like it was yesterday when we first tried making conversation in the most awkward way possible, but as the time went by, we became inseparable, you told me you would learn tricking and taekkyon if I learned Lenshu, so we started teaching each other, then I got addicted to Lenshu, and you bamboozled me and gave up tricking and tk, but that didn't matter much, because we didn't do that just with the sole purpose of teaching each other, but because we wanted to have even more things to nerd about together, that's when we talked to each other for 15 hours straight nonstop for the first time ever, and I'm sure that if we weren't so tired we would be able to keep going for another 15 hours easily haha.

I'll always cherish all the moments and memories we've had together bro, you weren't afraid to show me your sensitive side, to open up about your frustrations, and as I said before, I always felt the same about you, that's the type of relation we had, we could see right through each other, and if we disagreed on something, we would always talk it out, there was no ego or pride that would stand in between us, that's what I loved so much about having you with me, it always felt so natural, effortless, thank you for everything you done for me, thank you for being there when I needed you most, thank you for caring so much about me, our clan, this community, this game, thank you for fighting so fiercely for all those years, thank you for showing us that we can always hope for a better tomorrow despite all the odds. If I had another chance to go through all those times with you, go through all the ups and downs, I would do it all over again without thinking twice. I'll always love you my brother, see you on the other side. <3

By the way, you will always be the top 1 lenshu player of all time.

bulldogboy forever
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

Rest easy
[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb
A friend, clanmate, brother.... Static was everything that you wanted in a friend, although we've only known one another through video games, I can say that he was easily one of the best people I've ever met. The endless day in/out skype calls, duels, banter, and the love we all had for the game and the community that we were apart of. Ill always cherish the moments we had with one another, and will continue to do so. You've made my childhood what it was, and I can say without you and everyone else that I surrounded myself with, I wouldn't be the way I 'am; so thank you brother. it won't be the same without you..... I wish I can just bunch my emotions and put them out there into words to explain all we've did.. but there was just so much....you're in a better place now, hopefully one day you and I can duel once again. Until we meet again, love you brother. Rest easy <3
Last edited by Rythm; May 3, 2022 at 01:19 PM.
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
Ah man, so it happened. Christian was always such a champ, always in good spirits even in the face of his deteriorating health. I don't think he'd even want me to be all sappy about this, but... I feel anything else would be disrespectful. Rest easy my guy, you'll be missed, but never forgotten.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Miss you, buddy. I wish we had the chance to spend more time together. It's going to be hard not seeing you around. You didn't deserve this.
Dot dot dot