Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
So yeah, YAY im a member (or at least a Trial) now.

I knew you would enter you hate Matrx as well


Since there's nothing much to change, here's the things I did on the clan thread:

*Remove an error in the history
Omg no one never knew about this
Originally Posted by History
With day and night training these peasants where no longer peasants.

*Remove war team information on "How do we run?"
*Remove AndreRiege then add Sc1ence01
*Lust changed the ranking information and put it on a link
*Lust added new MAU's logo
*Lust Added more images of text

That's it, since I don't have any music that you guys like well I'm screwed.
Get it?

Last edited by Corredor; Jan 15, 2016 at 04:22 PM.
Running away...


They must stay active and they have the right to vote on any matter in the recruitment thread, in case that all of the upper ranks are inactive they have the control. They must be sure no member breaks the rules, they can manage wars and invite new members.They can manage councils and moderators as well. They should discuss important matters with the mods/councils and members. Has the final decision and manages the bank. They own the clan.


They must stay active and they have the right to vote on any matter in the recruitment thread, in case that all of the upper ranks were inactive they have the control. They must be sure no member breaks the rules, they can manage wars and invite new members.They can manage councils and moderators as well. They should discuss important
matters with the mods/councils and leader. Unlike the leaders, they do not have access to the bank. They're like the leader, but are of lower class.


They must stay active and they have the right to vote on any matter in the recruitment thread, in case that all of the upper ranks were inactive they have the control. They must be sure no member breaks the rules, they can manage wars and invite new members.He can manage the mods as well.He should discuss important matters with mods/co leaders and leader. They are mostly in-charge of the Moderators , editing the clan first post, and managing ranks.


They must stay active and they have the right to vote on any matter in the recruitment thred, in case that all of the upper ranks were inactive they have the control. They must be sure no member breaks the rules.


They have In-Game power (manage wars and invite players) and In-Forum power(edit the thread, kick members). They are like the Full Version Moderators.


They have the power only in the forum(edit the thread, kick members). They are like Moderators Lite.


They have the power to invite other people into the clan but not change their ranks. They are in charge of the recruitment center.


They should be active and follow any rule of the high ranks as Leaders or Moderators. They are the normal clan members who can be promoted into special ranks.


They are the members who are constantly posting on the forum and playing ingame. They have a better chance of promotion than the inactive ones, no shit.


They are like members, only inactive. Some are a waste of member space while some are excused.


They are the ones who are members of the old Uncontested clan who have stayed in silence while some are the ones who have served the clan well and stayed in silence. They are like the worthy inactive members.


Well, u know, they know the password to the clan bank :v .


Keeper of the money. Guardian of the moolah. The account we keep our TCs in.
Last edited by Lust; Jan 15, 2016 at 02:22 PM.

Next one

Another thing, 0riginal5 will make the vid, right? I guess yea but I just want confirmation.
Also I edited page cause of a mistake done there. To be more specific, ranking information.
Last edited by Gruszex; Jan 15, 2016 at 02:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Hey guys, since we are a sparring based clan, don't you think we should partner up with some organizations that are focused on sparring and realism related thinks like the Toribash Tricktionary, Sparrer's Association, etc. ?? I'm asking for your opinions so that i could get to work to set up a partnership with them.

Old-ass clan thread

so the first post renovation is mostly finished. It is now time for me to proofread everything and make sure grammar is okay, but i'll do that later. I'm tired. Mind if you do that, Matrx? You seem like a legit grammar freak.

Also 0riginal got c0-leader because he did a clan renovation and made headers for the clan. But what about me?

a song to express my emotions. Roflmao

Last edited by Lust; Jan 15, 2016 at 03:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Eki, or Lust:

Since we aren't official for me we are not in the step of these great organizations, we should get official then maybe do it later.
Because Onsola doesn't want to do much for now, because we aren't official.
Sent an Invade to TFR
Running away...
Okay guys got sum bad news....
i just recently updated to windows 10 and lost half a year's worth of replays (AKA all of my good ones) including like 20 new madmans i was working on and 5 pk's that were pro level, so due to this im going to take a break from the forums and game for a bit, maybe like a month or two since i just cant take the feeling of 700+ hours of replay making all lost, so i hope you all understand how i feel and the choices i made.

Thank you, Sincerely, yo bro, Burke

Nice to see you here Science, you wont be able to vote on applicants for a while, enjoy your stay.

Eki you were going to be a co leader, then you left ;-; that's why I havent give you co leader yet. I might edit the co leaders later.

Getting involved with sparring organizations would be nice, but are there any active organizations? The latest ones are really inactive, sparring orgs dont tend to survive, look at TSO which died in like 3 months. Also you need to fix that vid

BIG ASS announcement
I will go to my cousin's house today at 7 pm, like in 6 hours, and I will be there like 10-11 pm. SO yeah I will be a bit more inactive, DONT let this die and also I am everywhere so I will check this quite often but I wont get the chance to post all day
Yoo Guys.

I find an error in the new (MAU) Thread.


In the last goal: [/FONT]. Let's fix this shit.

Listen this <3

Last edited by Mateo; Jan 15, 2016 at 06:37 PM.