yeah upp, please make better posts, and post a song you would like to have in the clan vid, if u want ofc.

would be nice to see more syncs there Ori, so far its ok. Try adding slow mo, fast parts, that would look amazing.

Maybe these since they are more ``constant´´ idk


Originally Posted by Dogzy View Post
well if it means anything to anyone I have the rights to use any ninety Nine lives
song in the press start album

And now rage quit

Well could you put the ones you prefer? there are shit tons of songs, kinda lazy to listen to them all
Last edited by Onsola; Jan 14, 2016 at 11:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by 0RIGINAL5 View Post
ok Uppkicker you need to post longer more appropriate posts please. 1 infraction point.

You're not in charge of infractions, I am.

Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
how about russian folk-song XD

1 infraction point for a shitpost. This infraction will expire on Friday, January 22nd.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
I meant poor him, he got decaped lol
ouh alright Ori, I guess that if the vid has a similar style to the one we have now it would be great, I have started working on some replays, but I will send them later, whenever you want to start working on it.

maybe everyone should subimit the music they would like to have in the vid an then we vote which one to use.


I've got some, although I'm too lazy to put a link to 'em.

TheFatRat - Xenogenesis
Booij - Voices (Maduk Remix)
Ahrix - Nova
Lensko - Cetus

Also, a quick question, if you had to choose between Arial and Helvetica (fonts), what would you choose?
For me, it's 100% Helvetica, 0% Arial.
sorry for inactivity

and sorry for shitpost

its semi finals
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
Hey Martial Arts Uncontested
So yeah, YAY im a member (or at least a Trial) now.

So yeah, firstly, can you reply below your GMT and country? Ya know, so I could know (or estimate) what time should I be best online. It also helps if I want to make an event or things...

Toribash Fortress 2 code:

Also, I made a new spar, just look at the attached replay (I know I suck at sparring so please understand)

Also I have some ideas about the music <3

Daybreak -Overwerk

Vortal Combat -Valve

Medic! -Team Fortress 2, Valve

Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
Also, a quick question, if you had to choose between Arial and Helvetica (fonts), what would you choose?
For me, it's 100% Helvetica, 0% Arial.

For me, its 0% Helvetica, 1% Arial 98% Comic sans MS and 1% others
Attached Files
Spar ver. 0.2.3B2 ^02G^04G.rpl (478.7 KB, 1 views)
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Jan 15, 2016 at 11:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
So, welcome sc1ence01 ! it's nice to have another filipino in the clan, hope you enjoy your stay.

so, i'll be back on the weekends but i'm gonzo again on the weekdays.

I choose badabum.

Brb, gotta check the previous posts to make replies on them so this post could be long.



So yeah songs are in spoilers. I actually informed Onsola, but I will tell it to you there, I am going on winter holidays soon, so I won't be active upcoming week. Soo.. yea that's it. If they will have internet there I will post from time to time.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
umm, click the postcount numbers on the subforum.

So guys, i might be a little bit inactive since i have some 'personal problems'notpuberty and i've been absent at school since yesterday. But hopefully i will be able to go back in the weekends. Thanks
click the number on the "Replies" column of the threads, wouldve taken a screenshot but i'm not in the mood e.e
March 2k15 - April 2k15 - (MAU)
April 2k15 - July 2k15 - [Ascend] - Dead :C
July 2k15 - Present - (MAU)

i play the guiter :o

Been playing since 2014, yet still not good.

The good songs i could play are Blackbird, Mardy Bum, Little Talks, Small Bump, I See Fire, Zephyr Song, and Can't Stop.

monday.... | tuesday ..........| wednesday .....| thursday | friday | saturday & sunday
Science ....| Filipino ...........| Class Mass .....| English ......| MusicArtsPhysEdHealth/MAPEH | FREEDOM
Filipino .....| MAPEH ............| Social Studies | Science ......| MATH ..................................| Freedom

Technology | [u]English .......| English .........| MAPEH ........| English ................................|
Technology | Social Stud. | Science .........| Math............ | Science ...............................|

General.....| Drafting.......| Math...............| Social Studies| Computer / Tech. Drafting...|
Shop /.......| Drafting.......| ESP / Religion.| ESP/Religion..| Computer / Tech. Drafting....|
Electronics.| Math...........| Misc. ..............| Filipino..........| Filipino................................|


Our science this last quarter of the school year is also chemistry.
Filipino is our class of the Philippines's language and literature
Technology is like the academic topics for our General Shop / Electronics
General Shop is our hands on activities in Technology
MAPEH is music, art, Physical Education and health
our Social Studies's topic this school year is Asian history
Our English is literature on afro-asian and grammer
Drafting is like the architecture drafting, etc.
ESP stands for eduksyon sa pagkakatao, which translates to Education in Humanity, it's also our religion class.
Misc. sometimes is our song practices for masses, club meetings, etc.
Our Math stands for Mental Abuse To Humans, but our math is algebra, on linear equations
Computer is our 3d drafting, we use AutoCAD. Computer is also computer drafting
Class Mass is like our weekly christian mass, which is often cancelled and is turned into homeroom or free time.s
Freedom is life

I go to a technical school, Don Bosco Technical Institute - Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines.

So basically that's our subjects and my class schedule covered.

You know, i appreciate original for seeing and commenting on my long-ass, effort-inserted post
Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
So yeah, YAY im a member (or at least a Trial) now.

So yeah, firstly, can you reply below your GMT and country? Ya know, so I could know (or estimate) what time should I be best online. It also helps if I want to make an event or things...

Toribash Fortress 2 code:

Also, I made a new spar, just look at the attached replay (I know I suck at sparring so please understand)

Also I have some ideas about the music <3

Daybreak -Overwerk

Vortal Combat -Valve

Medic! -Team Fortress 2, Valve


For me, its 0% Helvetica, 1% Arial 98% Comic sans MS and 1% others

I said if you had to choose between the two.
By the way, Helvetica is the best font, and Arial is the most socially destructive font known to man.
And don't get me started on comic sans.
I hate it so much. So much. I feel like strangling anyone who uses it where it's not appropriate.
ofc im talking about your app
It's appropriate if you're an 8 year old girl writing a poem about unicorns. Anywhere beyond that sort of theme, it becomes.. well, shitty, immature and overall childish and silly.
Helvetica for life.

Originally Posted by Lust View Post
You know, i appreciate original for seeing and commenting on my long-ass, effort-inserted post

'Effort' my ass.
But seriously though, you just copied what you have on your schedule. You didn't have to think about what you're posting, or didn't have anything 'original' to say.
haha, these original5 puns.
but anyway, efforts in posts does not mean the post is extravagantly long.

Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post


So yeah songs are in spoilers. I actually informed Onsola, but I will tell it to you there, I am going on winter holidays soon, so I won't be active upcoming week. Soo.. yea that's it. If they will have internet there I will post from time to time.

You listen to a dang lot of songs, mate.