Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post

Prepare your sphincter, Tim ... This is gonna get messy ...
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
Park in the middle of the road... Definitely.

I'd like to park in the middle of YOUR road, if you get my drift.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oknight
Last edited by Hattersin; Jul 27, 2013 at 09:17 AM.
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
I'd like to park in the middle of YOUR road, if you get my drift.

Hattersin is a girl? 0.o Did he get plastic surgery?
Last edited by Theorist; Jul 27, 2013 at 09:33 AM.
Originally Posted by WorldEater View Post
No, he just put some peanut butter on his face.

His grapefruit-sized Adam's apple easily gives him away though.
Originally Posted by strikas View Post
Guys, it was a great time with you.
I am going to miss you alot
Can i be still an ally?

Of course. You can also be our enemy at the same time. Good bye, I'll miss you too!
No hattersin , I meant get rich by stealing Walmart companies's money sorry I didn't write that Dx
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
What's happening guys? Why strikas are out?
Btw, hattersin is really a girl? i want some explain... >:O
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
What's happening guys? Why strikas are out?
Btw, hattersin is really a girl? i want some explain... >:O

Why, yes. Yes I am.

PM me with any and all questions