Originally Posted by Kershner View Post
Hi there chus, cant wait to meet you ingame.
Welcome back into Metal!

Hi kershner, yea me too
Thanks bro

Originally Posted by iSpeed View Post
Chus wb bro.

Thanks iSpeed

Originally Posted by tyler0679 View Post
its good to see you here chus. thats a deep story man.

Thanks Tyler haha

Originally Posted by lolman101 View Post
Yeap, I have 60 lvl. :3 Tell me your nick, I'll add you. C:
Edit: Ok, I just saw your post in Gaming Chat.

Welcome man. Also, you... it's you right? You were in PsY? : D

Thanks bro. Yea it's me xD i was co-leader in PsY

Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
Welcome back buddy!

Thanks Jack

Originally Posted by Dragon View Post
Welcome back Chus
kratos send my items back m8 pls

Thanks you Dragon
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Who is chus? Well, I will join in. Hi Chus

Chus is chus.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Who is chus? Well, I will join in. Hi Chus

I am a old member

Originally Posted by Kure View Post
Welcome back Chus!

Thanks kure!!

Originally Posted by Kershner View Post
Chus is chus.

lol haha


Someone are ingame?
Seems that you were in metal before wb then chus ! i am a mew member btw so nice to meet you
Last edited by Potram; Jan 28, 2014 at 09:12 PM.

Hey potram, i've noticed you need tc, lol, why don't you duel, you're pr0, you can win some duels.