Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Lol we have chemistry every year, I am in natural science orientation so yeah I need to have advanced chemistry. Take into account that I am in a 3d world country so yeah not really advanced till university.

I have literature were they make us read shitty books, there are so many good literature books we could be reading such as Don Quijote de la Mancha, a spanish clasic but we have to read a green-mexican book about Mayans in this times with flashes to the past. ;-; Like las year we read Sherlock Holmes and now this shit, the contrast be real

Honestly I don't know how to reply to this. Hope you still enjoy school tho onso. Right now I'm tired as hell so I'm watching da avatar abot blu people and crap like that, I may have the flu idk I iust know I'm sick Lel. But at least I missed school today

Originally Posted by Dogzy View Post
hahaha my favorite classes are band (I play the tuba)
and probably chemistry because my teacher is crazy

Ha I played the trombone in middle school and it was fun until I moved and had a band teacher who hated me. Once she misplaced my first seat form and blamed me and said I couldn't play so I talked to her and low and behold it was in her desk. Good times lel
Last edited by 0RIGINAL5; Jan 12, 2016 at 04:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i tried to play guitar i quit after like, 2 months. the amounts of blisters i had on my fingers were uncountable. i still have that guitar from like 2 years ago hanging on my wall just because it looks cool. also i got rays screenshots
Attached Images
screenshot-11-20-27-12.jpg (71.5 KB, 6 views)
screenshot-11-20-27-19.jpg (66.1 KB, 5 views)
screenshot-11-20-27-27.jpg (63.6 KB, 4 views)
Originally Posted by BquadZ7550 View Post
i tried to play guitar i quit after like, 2 months. the amounts of blisters i had on my fingers were uncountable. i still have that guitar from like 2 years ago hanging on my wall just because it looks cool. also i got rays screenshots

Yeah I used to play guitar for a while but all the teachers sucked and only wanted monay. One yelled at my parents and I was like ooh no he didn't. XD. But I remember them blisters too it was ridiculous
Originally Posted by SrBognanno View Post
Stop men. I report you. Cmon! Everyone report this guy!

Why you do that? Stop invade our thread. If you have some problem with Mat, fix the problem with him, not invading our thread. Stop please.

WOAH! chill. XD
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
Let me show to you, the list of top shitposters!

Where can I find that? I mean, I just wanna see our top forum posters in Destiny.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
umm, click the postcount numbers on the subforum.

So guys, i might be a little bit inactive since i have some 'personal problems'notpuberty and i've been absent at school since yesterday. But hopefully i will be able to go back in the weekends. Thanks
click the number on the "Replies" column of the threads, wouldve taken a screenshot but i'm not in the mood e.e
March 2k15 - April 2k15 - (MAU)
April 2k15 - July 2k15 - [Ascend] - Dead :C
July 2k15 - Present - (MAU)
Originally Posted by BquadZ7550 View Post
i tried to play guitar i quit after like, 2 months. the amounts of blisters i had on my fingers were uncountable. i still have that guitar from like 2 years ago hanging on my wall just because it looks cool. also i got rays screenshots

i play the guiter :o

Been playing since 2014, yet still not good.

The good songs i could play are Blackbird, Mardy Bum, Little Talks, Small Bump, I See Fire, Zephyr Song, and Can't Stop.
Originally Posted by BumbleBurke View Post
Time for a new topic so...Hows your guy's school schedule?

monday.... | tuesday ..........| wednesday .....| thursday | friday | saturday & sunday
Science ....| Filipino ...........| Class Mass .....| English ......| MusicArtsPhysEdHealth/MAPEH | FREEDOM
Filipino .....| MAPEH ............| Social Studies | Science ......| MATH ..................................| Freedom

Technology | [u]English .......| English .........| MAPEH ........| English ................................|
Technology | Social Stud. | Science .........| Math............ | Science ...............................|

General.....| Drafting.......| Math...............| Social Studies| Computer / Tech. Drafting...|
Shop /.......| Drafting.......| ESP / Religion.| ESP/Religion..| Computer / Tech. Drafting....|
Electronics.| Math...........| Misc. ..............| Filipino..........| Filipino................................|


Our science this last quarter of the school year is also chemistry.
Filipino is our class of the Philippines's language and literature
Technology is like the academic topics for our General Shop / Electronics
General Shop is our hands on activities in Technology
MAPEH is music, art, Physical Education and health
our Social Studies's topic this school year is Asian history
Our English is literature on afro-asian and grammer
Drafting is like the architecture drafting, etc.
ESP stands for eduksyon sa pagkakatao, which translates to Education in Humanity, it's also our religion class.
Misc. sometimes is our song practices for masses, club meetings, etc.
Our Math stands for Mental Abuse To Humans, but our math is algebra, on linear equations
Computer is our 3d drafting, we use AutoCAD. Computer is also computer drafting
Class Mass is like our weekly christian mass, which is often cancelled and is turned into homeroom or free time.s
Freedom is life

I go to a technical school, Don Bosco Technical Institute - Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines.

So basically that's our subjects and my class schedule covered.
Last edited by Lust; Jan 12, 2016 at 11:08 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by BquadZ7550 View Post
SCIENCE. we have been doing a shit ton of chemistry lately and its fun as all hell watching shit explode and turn from green to purple. my second favorite class is writing because now we are doing stories of our choosing and we can write whatever we want. i just started mine and i have some big ideas ;)

Well i dont rlly have chemistry so yh...i mean we do some experiments and stuff, (especially that dry ice one cuz those bubbles were freaking awesome) and like seeing how our pupils or whatever idk get bigger in the dark and shiz and yh... i really enjoy it its just we ourselves really havent done anything related to chemistry so other than our teacher...and i also got a delayed school so thats how im writing this post so early lol, oh and i may be inactive in the future, probably cuz of puberty (okno...) but uh yh

Sub-Topic: What do you guys think of making a Clan collab replay? any mod, preferrably a tricking replay or madman.

oh and heres a new madman im working on im too lazy to get the kick dm but i will eventually, and heres also a spar with AlphaN00b, my Rival, and Friend.

Oh and go see my Doublecorkscrew replay u nub (jk) go see it because its FRIGGIN TORIBASH HISTORY! YEAH U, IN the white shirt, go see it pls
Oh and go see my Doublecorkscrew replay u nub (jk) go see it because its FRIGGIN TORIBASH HISTORY! YEAH U, IN the white shirt, go see it pls
Attached Files
New kid in town madman wip.rpl (58.2 KB, 3 views)
Alpha and Omega .rpl (482.4 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Xenos; Jan 12, 2016 at 01:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

I used to play guitar. I didn't play that bad tho. I could play some songs, do some riffs (for those who don't know what riff is google it). I stopped it but I still have a guitar :P.

About my favorite classes. Well, I like IT, Chemistry and PE. I also like languages. I don't know why but I find it easy to learn languages. Also Physics is pretty cool but I don't have it this year cause of some schedule shit. In high school (I'm in middle school now) I will propably go on Chemistry-IT-Maths profile so yea...

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
umm, click the postcount numbers on the subforum.

So guys, i might be a little bit inactive since i have some 'personal problems'notpuberty and i've been absent at school since yesterday. But hopefully i will be able to go back in the weekends. Thanks
click the number on the "Replies" column of the threads, wouldve taken a screenshot but i'm not in the mood e.e
March 2k15 - April 2k15 - (MAU)
April 2k15 - July 2k15 - [Ascend] - Dead :C
July 2k15 - Present - (MAU)

i play the guiter :o

Been playing since 2014, yet still not good.

The good songs i could play are Blackbird, Mardy Bum, Little Talks, Small Bump, I See Fire, Zephyr Song, and Can't Stop.

monday.... | tuesday ..........| wednesday .....| thursday | friday | saturday & sunday
Science ....| Filipino ...........| Class Mass .....| English ......| MusicArtsPhysEdHealth/MAPEH | FREEDOM
Filipino .....| MAPEH ............| Social Studies | Science ......| MATH ..................................| Freedom

Technology | [u]English .......| English .........| MAPEH ........| English ................................|
Technology | Social Stud. | Science .........| Math............ | Science ...............................|

General.....| Drafting.......| Math...............| Social Studies| Computer / Tech. Drafting...|
Shop /.......| Drafting.......| ESP / Religion.| ESP/Religion..| Computer / Tech. Drafting....|
Electronics.| Math...........| Misc. ..............| Filipino..........| Filipino................................|


Our science this last quarter of the school year is also chemistry.
Filipino is our class of the Philippines's language and literature
Technology is like the academic topics for our General Shop / Electronics
General Shop is our hands on activities in Technology
MAPEH is music, art, Physical Education and health
our Social Studies's topic this school year is Asian history
Our English is literature on afro-asian and grammer
Drafting is like the architecture drafting, etc.
ESP stands for eduksyon sa pagkakatao, which translates to Education in Humanity, it's also our religion class.
Misc. sometimes is our song practices for masses, club meetings, etc.
Our Math stands for Mental Abuse To Humans, but our math is algebra, on linear equations
Computer is our 3d drafting, we use AutoCAD. Computer is also computer drafting
Class Mass is like our weekly christian mass, which is often cancelled and is turned into homeroom or free time.s
Freedom is life

I go to a technical school, Don Bosco Technical Institute - Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines.

So basically that's our subjects and my class schedule covered.

Wow eki that's some schedule you got there lots of details for them too. Except, you have recess, why recess. I mean recess is for childsren not ekis. Wait lust... Ekis also don't like other women they don't know. Maybe, eki is not eki eki is illuminati confirmed.
Originally Posted by BumbleBurke View Post
Well i dont rlly have chemistry so yh...i mean we do some experiments and stuff, (especially that dry ice one cuz those bubbles were freaking awesome) and like seeing how our pupils or whatever idk get bigger in the dark and shiz and yh... i really enjoy it its just we ourselves really havent done anything related to chemistry so other than our teacher...and i also got a delayed school so thats how im writing this post so early lol, oh and i may be inactive in the future, probably cuz of puberty (okno...) but uh yh

Sub-Topic: What do you guys think of making a Clan collab replay? any mod, preferrably a tricking replay or madman.

oh and heres a new madman im working on im too lazy to get the kick dm but i will eventually, and heres also a spar with AlphaN00b, my Rival, and Friend.

Oh and go see my Doublecorkscrew replay u nub (jk) go see it because its FRIGGIN TORIBASH HISTORY! YEAH U, IN the white shirt, go see it pls
Oh and go see my Doublecorkscrew replay u nub (jk) go see it because its FRIGGIN TORIBASH HISTORY! YEAH U, IN the white shirt, go see it pls

Very repetition m8. But I guess dry ice is cool. Every time I go to Colorado I do experiments with my friend and we used to make dry ice time bombs. Lel. But most recently we made rockets and homemade guns and that was awesome. Although it is hard to mix the powders and crap.
Last edited by 0RIGINAL5; Jan 12, 2016 at 02:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hey guys sorry for not posting for a while I was a bit busy and needed a tiny break. Anyway I'll be a bit more active although TB activity might cut for me. I don't know if I want to continue toribash....I am interested in other games now, sorry. I'll try to stay forum active returning on but I'll take few brakes that will not be this long, again sorry about that.

Onsola I love the new format for the clan page. I really appreciate that you put time and effort in it.

I guess because I'm pretty young my schedule is pretty simple.

Announcements, Groups, Specials(Gym, Music, etc), Reading, Arithmetic and etc.
Originally Posted by CataIyst View Post
Hey guys sorry for not posting for a while I was a bit busy and needed a tiny break. Anyway I'll be a bit more active although TB activity might cut for me. I don't know if I want to continue toribash....I am interested in other games now, sorry. I'll try to stay forum active returning on but I'll take few brakes that will not be this long, again sorry about that.

Onsola I love the new format for the clan page. I really appreciate that you put time and effort in it.

I guess because I'm pretty young my schedule is pretty simple.

Announcements, Groups, Specials(Gym, Music, etc), Reading, Arithmetic and etc.

Well it will be a shame to see you go cata. Hope you return soon and at least stay forum active. And yes the new format goes well with the logo I made I like it a lot. Although make another line under the orange one that is blue. That could apply to the streaks I made.