Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Welp, I haven't played normal LoL for a while now, due to the great community.
But, I got the pbe recently, and... It's so much more fun. Teams are actually good mostly, unless you get something like ap vayne (trolls in general).
And also, reported a couple of bugs already and got 600 rp from it. (on normal LoL)
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
... or annie and brand skins

Just because their attacks are blue it doesn't mean they have frosty powers.
brands ult sounds like a icy thing breaking, seems pretty frosty to me,
annie throws snowballs, seems frosty to me to.
they are so legit, why do u keep negating urself to the truth-?
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post

He's the best lategame support because of his ult.

but as a jungler, if he doesnt get kills or helps his team, he becomes more useless due to no damage, and as a jungler you want to deal damage on late game, not have 2 supports.

His ganks sure are crazy good but thats why you have to play extra carefully knowing you will end up winning.

Havent tried the patch but i heard hecarim is crazy on top lane.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Hecarim is better as a jungler. Ganks better than Rammus because he ignores unit collision. Also you could always make a double ad bot lane. Supports are shit anyway.
Last edited by Hippybob; Apr 19, 2012 at 06:49 PM.
Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
but as a jungler, if he doesnt get kills or helps his team, he becomes more useless due to no damage, and as a jungler you want to deal damage on late game, not have 2 supports.

His ganks sure are crazy good but thats why you have to play extra carefully knowing you will end up winning.

Havent tried the patch but i heard hecarim is crazy on top lane.

No, you're wrong about that "herp derp jungler n33d d4maage". Dignitas runs a 3 support comp with kogmaw or some other hyper carry. And jungler's like nautilus, rammus etc. fall of damage-wise but are still GREAT junglers. So no. You're wrong. Alistar is a great jungler, and a great support.
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
No, you're wrong about that "herp derp jungler n33d d4maage". Dignitas runs a 3 support comp with kogmaw or some other hyper carry. And jungler's like nautilus, rammus etc. fall of damage-wise but are still GREAT junglers. So no. You're wrong. Alistar is a great jungler, and a great support.

As the meta becomes more aggressive with counter jungling and such Alistar is losing his worth because he simply gets outjungled by dem Mundos and Shyvanas


Best Game I've Ever Had

The new particle effect on Leona's passive is pretty cool though.
Last edited by Hippybob; Apr 19, 2012 at 11:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
As the meta becomes more aggressive with counter jungling and such Alistar is losing his worth because he simply gets outjungled by dem Mundos and Shyvanas

No. Just no.

It's really annoying hearing this "it's the new meta" argument, because most of this "new meta" is really only applicable in high level, coordinated play.

In actual games, aggressive counter-jungling requires your team's support, otherwise you risk a counter-gank on yourself when you counter-jungle, due to ward setup. And if you counter-jungle an Alistar, you're guaranteed to not escape if they do set one up.

However, then I seem to fall into a paradox of demonizing one meta, while praising another. However, the counter-jungle meta requires team coordination to be effective. The highly effective ganker meta does not. Mundo can spend all the time he wants clearing the jungle, but if he tries to gank, he has low effectiveness. Shyv requires cc in lane if she so much as wants to touch the lane. Alistar just says fuck that and comes charging out of the bush with enough cc to terrify any team. He also fucks with their positioning, so you're pretty much boned.

And no, hecarim is much better as a solo top. His jungling is pretty lackluster, as he doesn't deal enough damage early game to make jungle clear time's good, nor prevent himself from taking too much damage. He doesn't have any real good sustains to keep up with it either. While his ganks hurt, they occur too few and far between for my liking, and can be ruined by how he approaches it. He also is fairly item defendant, so if you don't perform good early ganks, you lose effectiveness fairly quickly. Solo top is a much safer, and more effective, bet.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
No. Just no.

It's really annoying hearing this "it's the new meta" argument, because most of this "new meta" is really only applicable in high level, coordinated play.

In actual games, aggressive counter-jungling requires your team's support, otherwise you risk a counter-gank on yourself when you counter-jungle, due to ward setup. And if you counter-jungle an Alistar, you're guaranteed to not escape if they do set one up.

However, then I seem to fall into a paradox of demonizing one meta, while praising another. However, the counter-jungle meta requires team coordination to be effective. The highly effective ganker meta does not. Mundo can spend all the time he wants clearing the jungle, but if he tries to gank, he has low effectiveness. Shyv requires cc in lane if she so much as wants to touch the lane. Alistar just says fuck that and comes charging out of the bush with enough cc to terrify any team. He also fucks with their positioning, so you're pretty much boned.

And no, hecarim is much better as a solo top. His jungling is pretty lackluster, as he doesn't deal enough damage early game to make jungle clear time's good, nor prevent himself from taking too much damage. He doesn't have any real good sustains to keep up with it either. While his ganks hurt, they occur too few and far between for my liking, and can be ruined by how he approaches it. He also is fairly item defendant, so if you don't perform good early ganks, you lose effectiveness fairly quickly. Solo top is a much safer, and more effective, bet.

Alistar brings the CC with him but he has no damage output. Also I'm pretty sure that he has one of the slower clear times of the popular junglers. I could be wrong about that but I've never seen cow do any damage.

I feel like Hecarim's passive and E go to waste in solotop. If he's to use them to initiate a gank in his lane it will be obvious to the victim that they are about to get ganked. And the problem with Hecadoodle is he has to run past the enemy to launch them back and by the time he's going fast enough to pass the enemy you'd think they would already be at the turret. Additionally I can't think of any solotop Hecarim would be good against, I just imagine them all poking Hecarim while he's left to swing that stick.

As a jungler when he ganks he can pass through the obstacles to B-line straight for the target. And unless your opponent flashes you're pretty much guaranteed to knock them a direction away from your turret. If they're pushed up enough you can just follow them and spam Q. I'm not sure about his jungle clear time because when I experienced a Jungle Hecarim ganks weren't wide apart. The beauty of his E is he can easily move from near any neutral camp to lane quickly, and ward coverage wouldn't be able to do too much about it. Also with Hecarim in control of the blues, he'll be able to spam the Q more to keep its cooldown lower and basically his W will keep him from backing too often.
Last edited by Hippybob; Apr 20, 2012 at 03:12 AM.