Some newer ones
Spinish kick: a two hit madman i guess
Simple split: uh
Broken cabinet: two booms hit with fast decap sprinkled on top
Attached Files
#GB_Spinish kick.rpl (122.0 KB, 15 views)
#GB_simple split.rpl (88.7 KB, 11 views)
#GB_Broken cabinet.rpl (121.9 KB, 11 views)
Yes, hello

leftfootedededed: decap
Manipucrap: manipulation
TheAristocrat: madman+crap skeet
Attached Files
Echo leftfootedededed.rpl (99.0 KB, 7 views)
Echo Manipucrap.rpl (113.6 KB, 6 views)
Echo TheAristocrat.rpl (279.3 KB, 5 views)
Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
Welcome back vigi.

To the rest of you: im not convinced yet. But keep trying. That looks pretty good.

Could you please make a review of our replays so we know what we did wrong? Otherwise we'll just repeat the same mistakes. I'm sorry but all my reviews so far have been :
Originally Posted by shook
Muffindo: The decap is really good, with plenty of oomph. This is what i like to see, but if i have to nitpick, the punch seems sort of off-center, which makes it look slightly weird. Nevertheless, great decap.
The split is also good, and a nice head throw, too. However, i'd like to see a split caused by a punch, kick or other attack, which doesn't involve a thrown part. Don't get me wrong, i like it, but it's just that it's kind of hard to see the skill involved. Hope you understand. ;)
The madman, however, doesn't look as good as your other replays. I know how hard it is to make an upperbody madman, but there was just too big a gap between some of the dismembers.
So far, i won't cast my decision, but if your split is good enough, chances are that you'll get in. Or, if you don't feel like making a split, you can wait 'till i reach a decision. It's kind of teetering between yes and no, y'know? (Mostly leaning towards yes, but a split might make it definite)

Which was quite complete but he left it "to be continued"
Originally Posted by shook
Muffindo: Ahh, that looks good. Another tilt in the yes direction.

Then this happened
Originally Posted by Tamer0
New application system in place. Apologies but any people that were undergoing the application process before this new system was implemented shall have to reapply. This new system should make applying a lot easier for both the applicant and the recruiter so we should have analyses coming faster now that we've got the private board too.

Thanks for your patience guys and good luck with your applications!

Which made me make a new application which by the way is still "Currently being reviewed" even though you already made your decision...
Notice that more than 2 months ago I got a pretty positive reveiw from shook and now I get rejected without explenation.
I'm saying this because I won't get to my computer in like 3 weeks from now, by then the waiting list will have gotten long again and I when it finally reaches me I may be rejected again because I didn't know what I did wrong.
Alright. I don't get it like Muffindo, but here goes a new application I guess.
Attached Files
Class M - JetBlue.rpl (144.1 KB, 12 views)
Class SD - Qwestin.rpl (113.0 KB, 11 views)
Class S - Does not compute.rpl (99.4 KB, 9 views)
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
I recommend Larfen. He's replays are great and he's a nice fella.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
0-Teehee - Split and a decap
zv2kcik - Combo thingi
Real power - 2 kick madman
Attached Files
0-Teehee.rpl (113.8 KB, 16 views)
zv2kcik.rpl (165.6 KB, 19 views)
Real power.rpl (108.4 KB, 17 views)
GloomyBear: Yes, yes, yes that was awesome.
Echomarine: Yup.
Larfen: Well they are certainly above average but there's nothing that really stands out. It was impressing but not enough to get you into ORMO, sorry.
hanzarce: That was actually pretty impressive. If you replace that second replay with something just a little better. Chances are big you will get in.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
*opens up tb*

EDIT: :o
Attached Files
HA-nograbcombo.rpl (179.4 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by Hanz; Aug 5, 2009 at 04:58 AM.