Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
Vodka.. Im scared to ask what websites u browse

Btw guys, Drug update Might be trying magic mushrooms soon! fukyee

WHAT DRUG! I hope its sugar
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
WHAT DRUG! I hope its sugar

Magic. Mushrooms

P.I think we need to update our Member List..
Last edited by Nickone; Nov 9, 2011 at 03:39 PM.

^ my shoes. But there white same blue on the inside white on the outside and the other part thats blue is black :3
Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
I agree but davids in charge of that.

Go wild.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
Nice shoes, Nick. Have fun wearing 'em. I have converse and short boots this year. I might get another pair of boots, not sure though. The coldest winter ever is coming to Holland so I need good clothing.
Thanks Dil

There really snazzy been getting chicks attention to hahaa, down here chicks looove nike's .. I dont know why i mean i love nike's! Honestly Boots are the best footwear to wear during winter :3 but your a girl. So should go for ugg boots haha
Uggs... they're too expensive and they will get soaking wet in the snow. I don't like the big shape of it. I only like that wool. But I'm allergic to wool. I'll just wear 3 socks on each foot.