need to test you before talk
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Originally Posted by lulu91291 View Post
Name: lulu91291
Mods: judo, wushu, tk
Belt: 7th dan
Rank: 990
Reason: i wanna join JR because its the longest clan i have ever seen together an i would love to be apart of it.
Clans: DIAF,Imperial,Echo
Why I left: well diaf fell apart everyone started leavin ,Imperial wasent doin nothing,an echo just died
Age: 18
Gmt: eastern time .usa
Forum activity:im actually not a fourum person im a ingame person but that can change ;p
Ingame:im always in game an play for hours at a time
Vouchers: nikosefs ATHENS

Originally Posted by lulu91291 View Post
Name: LuLu91291
My Mods: judo, wushu ,tk,instigab
Belt: 8th dan
My Rank:
Reason for joining: organized, solid clan with nice roster
Clans: diaf,sin,imperial
Why left: diaf died an imperial im curently in sin .
Timezone: usa (eastern)
Age: 18 (bday sept 12 1991
Forum activity: not that active in the forums ....
In game:always active in game!
Vouchers: i wish i had em ='[ ;p
special skills: texture maker , grafix designer

Originally Posted by lulu91291 View Post

Name: lulu91291
Mods: judo, wushu,tk , insta,
Belt: 9th dan
Rank: i belive 70
Reason: i always wanted to been apart of JR i love your clan
Clans: Vortex
Why left: problems with leader
Timezone: usa
Age: 18
Forum activity:not that good im really always in game
In game: most likely more than 5 hours aday
special skills: grafix designer,texture maker

this shows to me your will and determination to join this clan,prob a yes from me,i will also try to find you ingame.
Wanna join JR?

If you want to join JR follow the below rules:

At first,State you road rules and you accept all of them.

State what mods you can play.
My best mod is aikido, but I'm good at judo(frac) and wushu.

State whats your belt(atleast 7th dan).
10th dan (This is actually a bought account, I'm only about 5th dan sorry.

State your rank.
Rank 60

State your reason for wanting to join JR.
I want to join because just want to be in a clan where most of the.... popular people are (mcburger, missuse, ajw).

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.
Atlantic, DBT, Armadon, Kingdomz

State why u left that clan.
Because most of those clans are failing, Atlantic I quit because blackshark was not always on, DBT died, Armadon sucks, Kingdomz is dying.

State timezone.
I live in New Zealand, I don't really know.

State you age.
I turned 20 on the 8th of June

Forum activity.
I have about 1800 Post.

IN game avtivity
Normally I dont play, I'm just sitting in spec.

Vouchers(The guy who invited you).
Sorry, no

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).
I absolutely love dueling, I'm alright at art.

Some replys.
I don't know how to upload them, sorry.

And finally state anything special thing you think we have to know
This is a bought account, my real account is Lord (LordxDeath).
Also, because I am currently at boarding school (7th form) I am only ingame on weekends.
Last edited by Numb; Jun 20, 2010 at 03:45 AM.
i think was better to choose another reason for join JR..
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Wanna join JR?

k,If you want to join JR follow the below rules:

At first,State you road rules and you accept all of them.

State what mods you can play.
My best mod is aikido, but I'm good at judo(frac) and wushu.
Quite nice if u dont totally suck cock...and i believe that u do

State whats your belt(atleast 7th dan).
10th dan (This is actually a bought account, I'm only about 5th dan sorry.
How noobisch....acc buying....fffff.....

State your rank.
Rank 60

State your reason for wanting to join JR.
I want to join because just want to be in a clan where most of the.... popular people are (mcburger, missuse, ajw).
Wtf bitch all these guys are much 2 awesome 4 you

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.
Atlantic, DBT, Armadon, Kingdomz
Mhmk....shitclan,shitclan,shitclan ...awesome

State why u left that clan.
Because most of those clans are failing, Atlantic I quit because blackshark was not always on, DBT died, Armadon sucks, Kingdomz is dying.
Explains everything

State timezone.
I live in New Zealand, I don't really know.
Nz sucks balls, god would never live on Nz

State you age.
I turned 20 on the 8th of June
Gratz u egobastard

Forum activity.
I have about 1800 Post.

IN game avtivity
Normally I dont play, I'm just sitting in spec.
Awesome i guess u suck cock and would ragequit if u play

Vouchers(The guy who invited you).
Sorry, no
Oh rly...i know why

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).
I absolutely love dueling, I'm alright at art.
Duel master says no?.....orite then show us art bitch

Some replys.
I don't know how to upload them, sorry.
omgwtf forum noob 2?

And finally state anything special thing you think we have to know
This is a bought account, my real account is Lord (LordxDeath).
Also, because I am currently at boarding school (7th form) I am only ingame on weekends.
Lordxdeath? never heard

Oh man, im such a fucktard <3

Your not god, i dont like you .......but....... i can forsure u that i am god and surely should be on that famous people list (lolwtf!?!?!?!?!?!)...So get out...BYE....BYEEEEE

Oh and...hi other guys
Last edited by hAsbroken; Jun 20, 2010 at 01:15 PM.
2 Words: Suck it
And duel me bitch, searching duels 5-100k