So bought a new laptop!! Tell me what you guys think of these specs and if they are good:
AMD A10-8700P APU with Radeon R6 Graphics
12GB Memory
1TB Hard Drive

I've already put my two cents in about it. It's pretty good for a laptop.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by ping View Post
So bought a new laptop!! Tell me what you guys think of these specs and if they are good:
AMD A10-8700P APU with Radeon R6 Graphics
12GB Memory
1TB Hard Drive

Ooo, not bad stats, but the only thing I know about APU's is that they are a GPU and CPU in one right? That's literally it. although you probably get pretty high temps with it right? Along with it being in a laptop.
What make and model is the laptop? and what was the price.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Nah, I'm safe as shit about my guns. The only one that isn't locked up and doesn't have a trigger lock is the one that's in pieces in my basement.

Well, you'll already be one step ahead when the zombie apocalypse hits.

I have kitchen knives and screwdrivers. Screwdrivers are cool because its form allows you to stick it into a zombie's head and pull it out real quick. But if you're talking about running zombies... fuck...
a spoon.
I usually don't get involved in this topic, but I have to say, Guns, Screwdrivers and chainsaws are all wrong. For quite a few reasons, but mainly sound and renewable use. for guns, they are loud and with the main industrial system not running, ammo would soon be a scarce commodity, that also goes with fuel for chainsaws. And yes, I know you can make gun powder and melt lead and make primers. but do you personally know how to do that? also with screw drivers. too up close a personal. it is also extremely hard to puncture a skull, in no way is it like that of puncturing a water melon :P.
So, if I had a say in the ideal zombie killing weapon. I'd say a splitting axe. For a few reasons. One, they are multi-purpose, you can split wood for a fire and use it to get out of rooms even without a key to a locked door. Two, They are not so heavy that they would slow you down too much, although it depends on the axe, most splitting axes are quite manageable. Three, They are easy to look after, axe sharpening kits are fairly inexpensive and small enough to take with you on the move. Four, unlike a screwdriver, they have enough swinging range so that you can keep out of arms reach. Five, due to the nature of a splitting axe, they have a lot of momentum and can split through skulls easily.
So, TL;DR:
A splitting axe is ideal, everyone should have one. I personally have quite a lot, in all variates ranging from Carving axes, felling axes, splitting axes and throwing axes.
Now, I'm gonna go back to being sane.... /*Looks at everyone with wild eyes as like that of a trapped FISH in a net...*/
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
I'll refine my proposition due to the scarcity of fuel in a post apocalyptic world - I actually have quite a bit of experience with this sort of thing. Find a solar powered chainsaw and strap a new Tesla battery pack on it. Only requires rank 1 Blacksmith perk and rank 1 Science... May also require bulk adhesives.
Originally Posted by ping View Post
So bought a new laptop!! Tell me what you guys think of these specs and if they are good:
AMD A10-8700P APU with Radeon R6 Graphics
12GB Memory
1TB Hard Drive

Nice one ;v
Today will arrive my order of the A8 7600, will check how that APU works. Also i managed to got a 250gb ssd this days :>>>
Im thinking to do the RAID stuff l8rr
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
I know you can make gun powder and melt lead and make primers. but do you personally know how to do that?

Yes. All I lack is my own reloading station, because they're a bit expensive, along with the supplies. Cost obviously won't be a problem in an apocalyptic scenario. As for sound, suppressors are a thing. No, they will not fully silence the gun without using subsonic ammo, but that was not the only use of a suppressor. They are actually very good at concealing which direction the shot came from, which can allow you to take down more targets before they pinpoint your location and heading towards it.

I'm okay with the axe as a backup melee.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.