it was made im 2012, when mobin became the leader. Before, in 2009, rehonored was da leader. Thats what i think .-.
are signatures even a thing anymore..?
Originally Posted by MrDevilMan View Post
We're friends also, one quick question. How do you scroll than click? PLZ ANYONE ANSWER?!
Hover your mouse over one of the joins and use the mouse wheel to select between extend or contract

One more question. Maro can you send me the screenshot (or avatar) you had before you got the tori present avvy? Do it in pm please and thanks.

You are gonna have to wait 2 weeks xD cuz cant open laptop now.. btw why do u want it?
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
Hey what happened to darker.. it has been 2 days since he appeared on the forum.. hope he's ok
Last edited by maro6162; Jan 15, 2014 at 11:55 AM. Reason: your mom wasnt pleased about this post
Once i finish all this finals shit and take my 2 weeks holiday.. ill be on everyday, all day but.. cant spar or parkour cuz....... Shitty internet might make me ping in the middle of a spar or parkour.. so maybe ABD, Judo, ABB3, Wushu, Mushu, Brushu, FunMods, Erthtkv2, lenshu, or anything that has -30.00 gravity.. oh wait.. by all this i mean.. i play ALL MODS ill finish next thursday (of course not tomorrow dont be stupid xD) so yeah.. starting from 23/1/2014 pm me any time if you wanna play.. unless i was sleeping....or eating.. or dead.. or missing... Or in another fuckin dimention (xD)
Last edited by maro6162; Jan 15, 2014 at 01:15 PM.
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
Good morning :3
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
Originally Posted by MrDevilMan View Post
Good morning :3

Good fuckin morning , how the fuck are you? Good? I dont give a fuck!
Last edited by maro6162; Jan 15, 2014 at 01:40 PM.
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
Omg, we have a snow storm in sweden ._. And i took the bike x) didn't see a shizz x)
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Originally Posted by xXSJXx View Post
Omg, we have a snow storm in sweden ._. And i took the bike x) didn't see a shizz x)

Dont fall in a hole or some shit xD
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!