well sup guys about the clan we have not had clan wars in a while soo umm just sayin...... wezeeh
hello guys lich is back he had no clan to be with so he told me that he wants to go back in so i invited him tell me wat you guys think
Last edited by Voidexxx; Jun 1, 2015 at 05:38 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"inSerT iNspiRatIonaL qUoTe hErE"
I will not be able to talk for quite a while because I'm going to a theme park all day, just thought I would say that because I don't want you thinking I'm inactive
- I don't know why I bother -
Originally Posted by Zed501st View Post
Last replay be4 i'm gone cya bb

ouh, where are you going?
Originally Posted by Voidexxx View Post
well sup guys about the clan we have not had clan wars in a while soo umm just sayin...... wezeeh
hello guys lich is back he had no clan to be with so he told me that he wants to go back in so i invited him tell me wat you guys think

yeah we need to start warring, maybe this saturday we could war some clans
Originally Posted by realVortex View Post
I will not be able to talk for quite a while because I'm going to a theme park all day, just thought I would say that because I don't want you thinking I'm inactive

ok, np
Originally Posted by prodigames View Post
I just wanted to say hi and have s happy summer.

well thx, tho here it's going to be winter Dx
btw, if linch wanted to join, then he should have applied on our recruiting thread
Last edited by Onsola; Jun 1, 2015 at 06:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Could I start making a clan video?
I've got a really cool idea of an intro, i't involves a tricking replay but I will record each member rank and above doing it by /dl and /lp and have the skin change to each of them in one replay.
Entirely up to you, just a thought of mine
Last edited by realVortex; Jun 1, 2015 at 09:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
- I don't know why I bother -
here is my activity in the game:
I play and I see the forum at the same time . I am super activated everyday
Originally Posted by realVortex View Post
Could I start making a clan video?
I've got a really cool idea of an intro, i't involves a tricking replay but I will record each member rank and above doing it by /dl and /lp and have the skin change to each of them in one replay.
Entirely up to you, just a thought of mine

Sure, 0riginal was going to make one... but he said he would wait till we have more active and regular members, you could make a vid with some of them (not all, just the main members, like mods and the ones in active members), it wouldnt be the official clan vid but we can put it till we have an official vid
Originally Posted by Arakata View Post
here is my activity in the game:
I play and I see the forum at the same time . I am super activated everyday

btw tommorrow Ill promote some active members and kick some recruits and inactive members
Wow, a new fresh batch of MAU members

anyway how's it goin guys? been a long time since i heard from you guys