Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I thought my luck was good with the golden Jaina + Lillina Voss pack, then streamers had to get their rigged packs to open .-.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Watched Toast's stream to see what might be good.

Goddamn is he always this bad on expansion releases? The number of mistakes would be cringe worthy on a regular streamer, but he's supposed to be a master of tech. Reading anything would have avoided several of his mistakes, and he literally made mistakes that he could have avoided if he watched his own interactions video.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Watched Toast's stream to see what might be good.

Goddamn is he always this bad on expansion releases? The number of mistakes would be cringe worthy on a regular streamer, but he's supposed to be a master of tech. Reading anything would have avoided several of his mistakes, and he literally made mistakes that he could have avoided if he watched his own interactions video.

He's definitely more of an entertainer. He's incredibly talented but he does the wrong thing, sometimes on purpose, for more views and shares. He knows if he fucks up, it'll get shared a hundred times more.

Shit one of his best tournaments ever, he got dq'd towards the end of it by not waking up for his matches.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
If there's one thing I've realized, it's that this expansion has the chance of being one of the most expensive sets to be competitive. A lot of the crucial cards in the set are epic rarity, and there appears to be very few, if any, meta defining rares.

That being said, the meta probably won't slow down for a while, since most of the powerful aggro tools are still around. I think it will need to wait until Old Gods is cycled out.

Edit: In particular, I think Warlock is being overlooked right now. Sacrifice Warlock is particularly good at dealing with slower decks because of good aggro and strong removal tools. It's gonna lose most of it's tools when Old Gods cycles out, like most aggro decks, but right now I think it's being slept on. It enables trading since you just sacrifice the minions that are approaching death or have low value and trade up really easily with Unwilling Sacrifice, and can hold on to a board lead really easily since anything that lives can function as fuel for Sanguine Reveler, Void Terror, or Ravenous Pterrordax. Combined with no shortage of pawns to make use of from Possessed Villager and Forbidden Ritual, and you're in a strong position to win by turn 6 or 7, before most of the deathknight-centered classes can turn on. Gets wrecked by Defile though.
Last edited by Oracle; Aug 11, 2017 at 08:33 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Yeah Defile is a dope card.

I opened up DK Uther which is dope but I have next to no good cards in pally and I got the Anduin DK which I'm happy of since I got a dragon priest deck.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Anduin DK is probably what will break the set, eventually. Priest has so many good cards, and Anduin + Raza is virtually impossible to beat if the board state is about even when it happens. Combined with solid cards that can enable priest to last until that point, you basically need to combo them to death, or splash mindbreaker and rely on them not generating a board or having pain/dragonfire/any removal in their hand.

Like, I had turn 5 discard portal out and Raza Anduin still kept stable until turn 8, where he proceeded to make my portal mean nothing. He lasted through 4 turns of two free 3/2s, 32 damage worth of imps, and extra from my other cards.

As I sort of expected, DK Mage and Pally, while strong cards, are finding out that face is still the place and druid is still cancer that will kill you by turn 6. Day 1 OP never prevails against smorc.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Hey guys, I was wondering if Taunt Warrior is worth Crafting in the new expansion?

Would I be able to climb ladder with it since druid is really powerful right now and Jade Druid is one of it's greatest weakness?
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
I'd hold off on crafting anything just yet. People are still experimenting with the new set, so nothing is certain yet on deck viability. Jade Druid is still strong, but there's some pressure coming from midrange decks that may topple it's reign.

Besides, climbing ladder with control style decks is slow and tedious. It's possible, but it's almost always faster using aggro solely because you can fit 2 or 3 aggro matches in the time it may take to complete a control match.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games