Secret Application :D
Name: Matt (irl)
Belt: 4Th Dan Black Belt
Mods: Akido, Wushu, and TaekKyon
Clan History: Colon 3; I left because I felt unwanted and felt like an outcast to the clan. Also Jungle and I left them because I didn't know ANYONE in the clan that well. The leader just sent me an invite.
Who recruited you: No one
Reason For applying: I know many people in Secret and think it is a Respectable, Funny, Devoted clan that I believe I could contribute too.
Do you have skype?: Not at the moment.
"I have read and will abide by the 'rules of Secret' list.": Yes
"I have a black belt or higher and 50+ post": Yes
Note: all blackbelts must Pass Master Teague's Dojo
Other: I have no Toribash related talents; Although I am working on Art.
2 Multilayer Replays: N/A, Most members see me in-game everyday.
WAPOW ~ Krulls ~ Flamesmash ~ Eltyion ~ Pimpkilla ~ ExtremeAlt ~ Bet you won't war us ~~~