Originally Posted by EvilStealthWarrior View Post
I like you . Also guys I'm an elite member for Gfx inc now :3 Time to do request for mah hoez.

Ohhh damn.
You just got friendzoned by ESW.
Never to feel his sweet love.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Jammui View Post
Tons of people like me, but don't love me.

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but your image delights me, so I'll (one day) love you maybe.
Foxy*~ 'Cause flying is too mainstream!
Originally Posted by Jammui View Post
I love everyone, but I'm not loved. ):

not sure if I love you...

Or just pity you...
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Originally Posted by vschoola View Post
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but your image delights me, so I'll (one day) love you maybe.

Oh shit, we got a bad ass here. Schoola's singing.
sozzy guize i was away from diz forum cuz i be partying with mah frends and got addicted to twittre and facbook, i still play lol with noah tho <3 .

And also for Math, Snk and all the br in this clan, I'M INTO PANCADAO/FUNK DON'T HATE ME 'CAUSE I LIKE IT.

EDIT: For those who don't know what pancadao/funk is.

Idk wtf

Last edited by Aoc; Sep 4, 2012 at 05:40 AM.
I'm Brazilian too and how can you like that?

Oh well I believe you don't understand any word they say
If so, you're forgiven
It's funny to see someone else talking about "Pancadão"
Well, yeah I don't understand almost nothing of what it says, but I love the beats, I don't need more hahaha, I got into it like everyone else, went with my cousin at some tunning thing, PANCADAO/FUNK EVERYWHERE, and it's pretty awesome to listen to the bass and watch those crazy ass cars <3 . Lolol.
ah, you guys, my grandma died, and I woke up to that news this morning. I'm really going to miss her. shit, I feel like I'm going to fucking tear up, but I can't....

See you in a little again...
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs