No? Cmon mr police car static, i would do anything for it
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
if you've been told not to post here @Sora and @Sucy, actually fuck off though.

Actually, I don't think I've been told to not post HERE ever.
If I have been, link me.
Originally Posted by Sucy View Post
Actually, I don't think I've been told to not post HERE ever.
If I have been, link me.

there you Go
that's him telling me i was told to not post here, not telling me to not post here

swosh u cute dummy uwu