I'm surprised I haven't been marked as inactive yet.


Any-whoo, I've been wondering something for a while now.
Been bothering me lately, so if you could answer this that would mean the world to me. D

Alright, so anyway; is human nature just "Do what I like that I think makes me look cool, yet when others do it, I know what they're doing, therefore I think what they're doing is lame."

I guess to simply put, is that just?

People, man.
Frost is pretty cool
Human Nature for most people is: Bitch and bitch some more. Then finish that off with a huge bitching.
hey guys i think im missing something why are there not many people posting is there a posting limit?
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo
No not really activity just died down a lot for some reason >.> don't ask me what is is I have no idea .-.
|Essence staff manager|
Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
I'm surprised I haven't been marked as inactive yet.


Any-whoo, I've been wondering something for a while now.
Been bothering me lately, so if you could answer this that would mean the world to me. D

Alright, so anyway; is human nature just "Do what I like that I think makes me look cool, yet when others do it, I know what they're doing, therefore I think what they're doing is lame."

I guess to simply put, is that just?

People, man.

People often dislike others who may resemble themselves in a way. If you met someone out there with your same personality and shit, you would sub-consiously not like them. I guess your mind may see it as an identity threat. I do the same thing, back in school there was this one guy who was nearly like me in terms of what we liked and did. He immediately didn't like me and I didn't like him.
ConCon, I sometimes get that. If somebody is acting like me I feel like they are stealing my role :P I wouldn't say I hate them but I try to avoid them.

This may seem like a bad thing to feel but: In my school I am liked by pretty much everybody besides my enemies or people I don't know. A lot of the girls call me cute so when I hear that same person calling another person cute I feel like jealous :P
I've noticed that the clan is getting inactive again, so, i'm there. If it's possible, tell-me, how can i help?
I have a tiny idea. Free 128 set and all my tc to a random member... OF THIS CLAN (or allies) That posts after this post. NO SPAM. I'll choose random winner 1 week from now (March 4th). The more posts (That aren't shitty). The more times your name goes in the bucket. I choose posts that are eligible so make them decent.
Last edited by xNess; Feb 26, 2014 at 03:04 AM.
Pyro | MF | GerU | Electric | Revel | Essence
Hyper-Activity mode activated.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.