Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Given enough time and games, the average ratio for wins to loses should reflect whether you're overrated or underrated, or at your optimal elo.

A quick indicator of what your elo should be would be to look at your normal win/loss ratio. An even win/loss ratio means you should be somewhere between 1100-1300, while more wins than losses by a substantial amount (10-20 more wins) should indicate 1400+ elo. More losses than wins by a substantial amount should indicate a <1000 elo.

Nah, normal w/l doesn't mean anything because it counts from when you first made your account. For example, I have 340 wins to 371 losses, but I'm better than my friend, who's at 1100 elo and has a positive w/l ratio.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Using basic statistics, you can also conclude if whether or not you actually deserve to be at that elo. If we assume that you're better than your listed elo, you already count as one player less on your team who will suck/troll. This means your team has 4 opportunities for a troll/bad player to ruin your game, while the enemy has 5 open spots. This means, roughly speaking, and jumping a lot of math, that you should win approximately 5 out of every 9 games, which means your ranking should go up with enough games. However, if you're a poor player, the opposite is now true, as you have 4 slots to fill that require a good player to carry you, while the enemy team has 5 to carry themselves. Likewise, you should now be losing around 5 out of every 9 games in this situation, which would result in your elo going down.

So if you're a poor player just search for a dou partner who's on the same elo as you but a better player, 'cause now you have that one "good player" who'll carry the game and you have a better chance to raise your elo. I know this tip isn't new but its simply the truth.
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
Just played another ranked soloq as Shen. I lost toplane against Olaf. We were pretty even but then bot fed caitlyn and mid fed Mordekaiser. And epic ganks turn me into a feeder.

I got all 2 kills for my team. And got 4 deaths. Olaf zoned me until I bought hp. So I only managed 70 cs before the 15 minute mark where mid ganked me and ruined my lane. After that we lost a team fight. Morde tore us apart. Herp Derp I hate my life. It's fun complaining about soloq though.

I am just gonna duo queue now.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
More losses than wins by a substantial amount should indicate a <1000 elo.

omglolololololololol no
my elo's around 1240 and i have over 70 more losses then wins. G FOOKING G (<3 you oracle)
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Sounds alot like Przero and I. Havent played fizz in a while, might do that again.

lol, i support as an ad carry while you take all my potential kills by coming down from mid... we should do that again.
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Nah, normal w/l doesn't mean anything because it counts from when you first made your account. For example, I have 340 wins to 371 losses, but I'm better than my friend, who's at 1100 elo and has a positive w/l ratio.

It's a rough estimate based off of trying to discern normal elo and assuming it transfers over to ranked elo.

It holds a small kernel of truth, due to the fact most of your experience comes from playing at a lower normal elo than somebody who would have an even number of wins and losses, which would mean you play ranked with a little bit less experienced play, in theory at least. Again, exceptions occur, and it's not entirely accurate.

Originally Posted by Chreeys View Post
So if you're a poor player just search for a dou partner who's on the same elo as you but a better player, 'cause now you have that one "good player" who'll carry the game and you have a better chance to raise your elo. I know this tip isn't new but its simply the truth.

Mathematically, it also improves your odds of not having another feeding/trolling teammate on your team, as it's now 3 slots for your team to have a feeder/troll and 5 for the enemy, so your odds should improve to 5 wins for every 8 games.

Originally Posted by Przero View Post
omglolololololololol no
my elo's around 1240 and i have over 70 more losses then wins. G FOOKING G (<3 you oracle)

lol, i support as an ad carry while you take all my potential kills by coming down from mid... we should do that again.


Like I mentioned above, it's a rough estimate by comparing normal elo to ranked elo.

Though I would mention that every account I've had, even my first account, had 60+ more wins than losses when I last played them. Bad early starts don't dictate your final w/l in the long run. After all, 20, or even 50 games to understand how to play will get overlapped eventually by as many other games you play. 50 consecutive losses can be fixed when you've played over a 1000 games. It means out of 950 games, you only need to win 500 out of the 950 to come out even, or 10 out of 19 games, which is by no means difficult.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I feel so bad for RainMan right now. Since he left and then TSM won IPL4, it almost seems as though people forgot RainMan has the single best Teemo in the world. They think he's a bad player, for some reason

Also, when it comes down to elo, i'unno. I duo queue'd with a friend my first 3 games and lost all 3 because of shit teammates. Then I decided I'd solo queue and won the next two as Ashe, and then won a game of 5's with the duo queue guy and friends from school.

So now I'm sitting at 2 wins and 4 losses in solo, and 1 win and 0 losses in ranked 5's.

I have a feeling that if I solo'd more I'd have a positive win count, but I hate the stress of ranked play. Kinda takes the fun out of it.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Ooh! Ooh! I want on the bandwagon!
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Using basic statistics, you can also conclude if whether or not you actually deserve to be at that elo. If we assume that you're better than your listed elo, you already count as one player less on your team who will suck/troll. This means your team has 4 opportunities for a troll/bad player to ruin your game, while the enemy has 5 open spots. This means, roughly speaking, and jumping a lot of math, that you should win approximately 5 out of every 9 games, which means your ranking should go up with enough games. However, if you're a poor player, the opposite is now true, as you have 4 slots to fill that require a good player to carry you, while the enemy team has 5 to carry themselves. Likewise, you should now be losing around 5 out of every 9 games in this situation, which would result in your elo going down.

Unless you're playing Trynd and you can farm all day and dominate your lane to get quadras late game, it's nearly impossible to carry a team that is horrible. League of Legends is a team game, if everyone but you is a feeder you are going to lose. If three people are feeders it's likely you'll lose, similarly with 2 players.

Originally Posted by Afropr0 View Post
can someone name me a few gd AP champs that are gd at lvl 30?

Ahri, Leblanc, Kassadin and Karthus are great AP mids for high ELO games.
When deciding if a champ will still be good at level 30 you generally base it off 'what if people know how to counter this person.' At low levels people don't understand they need to run away when Sion or Kat ults and just stay away until it's over.
Similarly that I've noticed pro players have started CCing me hard when I play Trynd and use Undying Rage. Constant CC for 5 seconds straight until my ult runs out and then can just kill me. Also good positioning so that even if I spin out they can catch me.
People like Karthus (unless there's a Soaraka) can just press R to get kills, as long as your team calls it or you're very vigilant for people on low health. He completely fucks up tower dives and risky fights, he's usually either first pick or first ban.
Last edited by SpmSL; Apr 12, 2012 at 04:44 AM.