

Now, promote me to moderator, thanks.
Bluntness aside, I was the one doing most of the work. I set up the server as soon as I saw your post, I got one guy, a very skilled guy to apply for MAU, and two potential applicants.
Now, on to what Cataist did. I said to him in steam that he should come and help me with recruitment, he came for 2 minutes and did nothing. And then, he was fucking playing CS:GO while I did all the work, handling the god-awful toxicity by members of Mono.
There was one other guy as well that was flaming, his name was Jonttupro.
Who do you think deserves moderator? The guy who put up with toxicity and got at least one guy to apply, or the guy who was playing CS:GO with his friend?
This is turning into a rant, and I'll finish it.
Cat basically did nothing.
I, on the other hand, did nothing as well.
But I got one guy to apply.
Handled the toxicity from members of Mono and Whisp3r.
Stayed up till 2 A.M just for the sake of recruiting.

Onsola be like
yeah better promote them both


The problem with rules is that the more you enforce, the more people just try to avoid them.
And that is why I mostly disagree with Onsola on making new rules, it will lead to our death. Now look at this shitpost infraction system. It's already brought down our activity. Do you think that's a good thing? Becoming like [inq]?
What I'm saying is, the shitposting rule brought down our activity enough.
Now if this childish argument rule comes into place, our activity will go downhill.
Look at what happened to Urban. They were almost at par with Alpha and they set their requirements ridiculously high. They died out.
The real question is,
How would you solve this, without chaos?

Originally Posted by AndreRiege View Post
hi i'm Andre, and i entered on clan today, this post is only a presentation to yours know whose i am. The next posts they will have more content.

Welcome to the mafia. As you can see we are starting a revolution to kick out dictator Onsola, and you will be part of it. Also, by the end of this revolution we will change our name to Mafia Arts Uncontested. It suits our image and reputation better.
Yeah don't take that seriously if you did, welcome to the cult, here I am offensive and you can't change it.
Kidding about that as well, welcome to the clan.


That's sad man. That you only go outside for 15 minutes. Whenever my friends call me outside I usually end up playing with them for atleast an hour till it gets dark.

Onsola 2

I play badminton a lot with my friends. Soccer is 2nd on the list, and rarely do I ever get convinced to play cricket. It's such a boring sport but I play it for the lols.
IMatrx, I don't know how was the old rules, but I don't see nothing wrong. I think the problem, it's with Onsola, and I don't know how is him too. :/
I was thinking I should remove those rules. If all of you were mature enough we wouldnt need rules.

Lets do this: For the following week there will be no rules besides the general rules (no sexual content, scamming, etc). If the activity raises and the average post isnt a shitpost then we will stay that way.

You did a good job recruiting mat, keep it up! Cata hasnt recruited anybody yet, lets wait a few more days, yyou can still recruit more ppl mat
just remembered: AndreRiege join our clan group, eki will accept u in there. you can find it in the profile of any of us. Its called (MAU) Martial Arts Uncontested
Last edited by Onsola; Jan 4, 2016 at 06:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I apologize for all the inconvience. I was just getting my life in shape and having some alone time. Anyway I will become more active. I think I'll be free for the rest of the day so hope i can get some recruiting and stuff. Sometimes I will become less active and I'm sorry about that but if anyone wants to hook me up I can help out. Sorry for the really short post.

Ok Matrx my steam didn't work well and I couldn't talk. Makes it sound like an excuse I'm sorry but I was busy. I was having some bad drama and I'm sorry. But I will make up for it. Ugh..

(Edit) Fuck it just fuck it. If you don't want me to moderator so be it. If you don't think I'm contributing just fuck it. I'm sorry that my friend got me cs:go and wanted to play with me I'm sorry that I didn't help after that but I had to get my life in shape. I'm sorry that I have a life other then toribash. I'm sorry I'm fucking sorry! Onsola this is not a fight. I am just really mad and upset so I'm not in control. I apologize
Last edited by Jade; Jan 4, 2016 at 08:45 PM.
We are getting closer and closer to larger posts, look, Onsola, me, Matrx, CataIyst are doing large posts, we should think about those who post less and shorter than us, like uppkicker.
I think I will send him a large PM to read and then lets see what he does, also I will see if there's someone who leaved or not from the clan so I update the member list.
Well mine aren't larger, they're medium, but when I get into the theme or to write a tutorial I do it carefully.
The members who are inactive make short posts so maybe we can applicate to be official in 10 days, what you think Onso?

R.I.P BumbleBurke, he got banned, I don't know why.
Originally Posted by CataIyst View Post

(Edit) Fuck it just fuck it. If you don't want me to moderator so be it. If you don't think I'm contributing just fuck it. I'm sorry that my friend got me cs:go and wanted to play with me I'm sorry that I didn't help after that but I had to get my life in shape. I'm sorry that I have a life other then toribash. I'm sorry I'm fucking sorry! Onsola this is not a fight. I am just really mad and upset so I'm not in control. I apologize

Cata, try eating a snickers.
Now serious, you should control yourself man, you getting out of hand, moderator is not easy, think about it.
Last edited by Corredor; Jan 4, 2016 at 09:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Running away...
bumbleburke got banned due to the event of torisanta/secret friend.
by what some told me,who didn't sent the gifts got in "naughty list".
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
yeah he told me he was too busy and forgot to send something :/

Seba there is only one problem there, we need at least 9 active members, we should recruit more. Ray and I will try to rrecruit some ppl now

Alright in the end we both had to go :/ no new recruits, lets schedule a recruit ingame this week, what do you think? like this friday
Btw start a topic if you need that to post. I will just start a random one: what has been the best gift ever had? Ill write about this later, I am going to bed its 1 am xd
Last edited by Onsola; Jan 5, 2016 at 04:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
the best gift I've ever gotten is without a doubt was hannukah 2010 where i got my computer that I've been using for five years, I've seriously done everything on this thing. its been almost broken about 12 times, it electrocuted me once, I've left it at other peoples houses an uncountable amount of times, and its almost been stolen three times

another one would be my first pokemon handbook. I've drifted away from the pokemon world but i remember getting this one oddly specifically so short story time!

so little 5 or 6 year old me was going with my mom to the book store because my mom just finished here like 100th book and now she needed another one to keep her occupied. now as she was wondering around this giant ass barnes and noble, so was i. being the curious adorable little human i was i was wondering around the curious george section but made a wrong turn and ended up in the games section. and i saw this cute electric rat named pikachu on the cover of this book. now about a month earlier i saw this commercial about pokemon and it looked cool because animals having cool powers was awesome. and so i climbed to the top shelf (i was an acrobatic little shit) and got the book then showed it to my mom. now unfortunately my mom is catholic and apart of the 'pokemons are evil' group of people. it was a long 45 minute conversation until i finally convinced her to buy it. and i literally spent the next 5 years with my head buried in that book and I've memorized every corner of that book and I've bought 2 other copies of that book and every time i look at that book i remember all those 5 years. also since my dad is remodeling our house and getting rid of a lot of me and my sisters stuff (don't worry we chose what we wanted to keep) and my dad said that he's never going to get rid of those books.

so yeah. story time
Well you are a bing fan of pokemon I guess.

my best gift would be my ps2. I got it like 7 years ago, that makes me feel old lol. Family and friends had gifted me enough money so I went to buy it and it came with 5 games, from which I only remember 4; Star Wars Battlefront 1, Shadow of the Colossus and Call of Duty 1, and Medal of Honor European Asault. Those were really good games and I spent quite a lot of time playing them. Not long ago I got a copy of Sw Battlefront for pc so we played with a friend online (for the first time since here in Argentina noone would play online in the ps2).Even though I was rusty I got 70 - 0 (70 kills no down) (in sw bt there are 2 teams 200 - 200)

Also we need to schedule the day when we should get toghether in a server to recruit, how about saturday round 3 pm gtm -3 ?