Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I've played Anivia ALOT and honestly there is no reason to use her abilities in lane. Her auto attack works great for me. Leaves you enough mana to wall to escape or to ensure a kill when your ally is ganking.

Only time I find Anivia mana hungry is when all my inhibs are down and i'm the only one there to clear all the creeps.

What, so you don't clear waves with her ult? The fuck?
Anyway, tl;dr clarity is a crutch to support your poor mana management skills.
New to the game, Deadstop is in teh house \o/
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.
the champion pool is shit this week -.-
also does anyone agree with me that xin needs a nerf?
Last edited by Afropr0; Apr 10, 2012 at 03:11 PM.
One does not simply question the Afro
Xin absolutely does not need a nerf.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Xin is perfectly fine where he is right now. Good early game with meh mid game and shit/meh late game.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
What, so you don't clear waves with her ult? The fuck?
Anyway, tl;dr clarity is a crutch to support your poor mana management skills.

I only do that if I need to push the lane.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Xin is perfectly fine where he is right now. Good early game with meh mid game and shit/meh late game.

late game i vsed him he took 3v1 and didnt lose half his health because of his w -.-
One does not simply question the Afro
Originally Posted by Afropr0 View Post
late game i vsed him he took 3v1 and didnt lose half his health because of his w -.-

Probably because it wasn't late game more likely than not. Did everybody have their full build, or near full build?

And Xin's W is an attack speed buff, not a health regen move. If nobody was exhausting or igniting him during the fight, that's pretty damn stupid on your part.

And lastly, looking back a couple posts, it seems you're new to the game. Chances are your team isn't filled with many competent players, so Xin is getting free reign over you guys because you aren't proficient at countering champions yet. Armor nullifies most of his damage, and he has no escapes. Once he commits to a fight, focus him down and it's golden. Most Xins at early levels tend to build full damage anyways.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
im not that new to it i just dont play many champs =p i usually stick with one for ages then go on to the next one but yes LoL is bitch and gives me very low summoner level players on my team against higher ones -.- and he had full build and i said W cause it was a guess because i only played him once =p so it mustve been his passive or somethin i dunno but yes thinkin about it i have seen hopeless people with few characters i said need a nerf but now i think of it my teams are usually just shit -.-
Last edited by Afropr0; Apr 10, 2012 at 04:42 PM.
One does not simply question the Afro