Shit, holiday vacation ended. I don't want to meet my classmates. I'll have to sit through party stories all this week. And one of my classmates will show my ab picture to everyone. I had something written on them by one of my classmates and she decided to take a photo. Dat feel when you haven't flexed and hadn't eaten anything all day and someone takes a picture of your abs. Of what I remember the picture looked like my back. Must steal phone and delete picture.
Just hope they haven't distribute the photo Uby.

Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
There's a new Counter-Strike game out? <3

Lol yes, like Pad said, you're a bit late.
It is already on twitter. Fuck. Can't send it though. It is on a protected account. At least I got something going for me.
She has 120 followers so I guess it is okay.

Am I the only one who has a hard time deleting games? I have shitloads of games that I stopped playing but when it comes to uninstalling I can't do it. I have a feeling that I will want to play that game some other day, but the day probably won't come in a long time.
I have that weird feeling too... but if you uninstall, the day will probably come, you'll miss the game
Goddamn, if you have windows 8 and it says you to uptade to 8.1, DON'T uptade, it will delete some of your stuff. :C