.... Orion why are you loving my life. First Daft Punk... STOP BEING ME!!!
See oreo gets it. Lol behind the head it says... You dont do anything but eat, sleep, and watch TV here. If you are going to marry her you need to straighten up. She could do much better that you! >.> exact words that she told me. Thats why it was so funny.
Recruited by:Sidvicious

Who are you:My name is kidbuu32.I am Black belt,im very active than usual players.I behave in the web nicely to others.I'm very nice but normal to others.The web players are nice to me if i be nice to them.

Why should I care:Your my leader if I join this clan and the leader always cares about his students.

Favorite Mods:Judo,Akido,Wushu


Former Clans:Badass

Why you Left your fomwer clan:I never got on and my tori started over.

Hobbys:My hobbys are getting on the computer and game.Playing football,basketball,and baseball.

Why you and not someone else:No one else is trying out for TLL.

References:mageer,Frickin,laststroke,Azelawolf,and 123urdead

Other:I have never gotten banned.
Last edited by kidbuu32; May 27, 2011 at 10:36 PM.
about me: hello clan of tll i am a blue belt but have lots of tb experiance. i am a friend of kidbuu and love to play tb. i am on every day if i dont have homework or busy.
why should i care: because i am a nice player and if i am in a room with you i will try to start a convo with any one that i play with.
fav mods: mostly judo but i am learning the ropes for aikido.
alts:mcbrody, banned by friends
former clans: fire
why i left: all the other players were inactive and not very nice to me
hobbys: i love to paintball, golf, boat , and of course toribash.
why me and not some one else: i have talked to this clan and they are amazing so i think i could make the comunity think tll is a great clan by being nice to them.
references: kidbuu32, fricken,
other: i dont rage at anyone.
Last edited by mageer; May 27, 2011 at 10:50 PM. Reason: altz
To the both of you. Join IRC if you are not already there. And post around some more. Due to both your post counts I think you are a little new to fourms. And should get a better feel for all the members in this clan. Along with getting a understandability of what this clan is about.