Alright we are quite inactive right now, I guess it is mainly cause we are close to the new year but I would like to see more posts ppl.

Also cata this is the right link idk y urs sends u to a dif page of the groups

An other important thing: You should never make stupid posts in the recruitment thread such as your last cata. I wont tolerate any kind of discssion in my recruitment thread, I already had to put up with the mess we had when bog applied.

I will introduce a new topic: Talk about something you like, it can be anything, a game, music, an activity and give your opinion about what others say. I hope you post more about this.
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 30, 2015 at 03:09 AM.
Ok Onsola I am sorry for the post I understand. I swear to not post like that I'm just a little relaxed but if you want me to get more serious then I will. I deleted the unnecessary post on the recruitment btw. I hope the others will do the name.

Anyway superseba Matrix please stop with the childish fights. It is completely unnecessary and uncalled for. We need to get more serious no more bad posts, I cringe everytime I see people have shit posts. I am not saying this to get Onsola's attention but Matrx say I'm being sarcastic or too serious....we need to be more serious!

Guys please check out my last post I really want people to see it I'm sorry if this is bad form or too irregular but seriously I need your guys's opinion.

You can find the post Here

Guys we are being a very mature and relaxed clan. We need to stop this like seriously. I will be the first to say my opinion. I enjoy activities such as martial arts. This trains my brain and body for physical condition. Anyway I think everyone's busy Onsola or they're not posting.
actually we need someone with imatrx's activity to help out with running the clan, so he can be a good council. Although we do not need imatrx's personality for it...
I agree with eki. A good activity would be great but we need someone that doesn't "break" every so often and that what I'm going to do. The activity part. Since I got a good phone now.
Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
actually we need someone with imatrx's activity to help out with running the clan, so he can be a good council. Although we do not need imatrx's personality for it...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Oh wait, there's shit on my face. It's a bird.
lol my personality
well the thing is that it's really hard to be a nice guy in toribash. I'm a nice guy irl (you'll have to trust me on that one, no kidding) and not here because I get hit with hostility every goddamn server i join regardless of whether i'm nice or not. so i'm generally hostile towards those who are hostile towards me. if you're nice to me, i'm gonna be nice to you too.
and crack shitty jokes with you

Originally Posted by CataIyst View Post
Ok Onsola I am sorry for the post I understand. I swear to not post like that I'm just a little relaxed but if you want me to get more serious then I will. I deleted the unnecessary post on the recruitment btw. I hope the others will do the name.

Anyway superseba Matrix please stop with the childish fights. It is completely unnecessary and uncalled for. We need to get more serious no more bad posts, I cringe everytime I see people have shit posts. I am not saying this to get Onsola's attention but Matrx say I'm being sarcastic or too serious....we need to be more serious!

Guys please check out my last post I really want people to see it I'm sorry if this is bad form or too irregular but seriously I need your guys's opinion.

You can find the post Here

Guys we are being a very mature and relaxed clan. We need to stop this like seriously. I will be the first to say my opinion. I enjoy activities such as martial arts. This trains my brain and body for physical condition. Anyway I think everyone's busy Onsola or they're not posting.

Lol dude look. We're not fighting. These are just friendly jokes. I'm going to sop calling them sarcasm because you will then think that I was the one calling you sarcastic, because I was not.
What I meant was
"Superseba is being sarcastic and is just making jokes. Please relax a bit more."
Is that easy enough to understand that I was not referring to you as sarcastic.
But really though man, relax.
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
New topic: What mostly happens around your town/city?
maybe I see Matrx in the tree eating birds but anyways.

lol I see you've brought that conversation you always do when you get online
dude I swear you're on some fucking drug
I swear man
yes but I do eat birds in trees
specifically the closest tree to your house

Originally Posted by QueenArrum View Post
Mau i Join!!!

sent invite gg promoted to leader

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
What are you planning to do to celebrate this new year? Will you do something special or it will be just a regular day? What are u used to do during this holiday? What do you think about the chinese new year? do you celebrate it?
Mat hasnt power abused (yet) he constantly says he will but never did. If he did so he would be instantly out of this clan.

You know what I'm gonna do? Huh? Huh?
Yeah you guessed it
xfinity and virginity
that's the best fucking netflix and chill variant i've done lol.
i don't celebrate chinese new year
like wtf man
gregorian calendars for the win
I'm Sorry again Guys, I couldn't even move I went to the doctor. My temperature was very high.But Now I'm Back active again. SO I will start.

I think Imatrx is fine for now.for sure we need his personality. Actually guys a question did you play with Imatrx ingame before? I did
I pretty much see he's quite funny/nice personality. SO if he tries to be firmer inforum it's his freedom.

SuperSeba's Topic:-
Nothing, People are just Relaxing as the terrorism has decreased.Christians are enjoying Christmas...Muslims are just having normal life. 75% people are Ill because the temperature is low for people now so everyone have Flu etc.

Onsola's Topic:-
Well I don't celebrate chinese or Christmas But I celebrate the new year I just get a cake with 2016 with some my friends and I put my face in it... Go to the club? Get nerdy with you guys inforum? Duh nothing much

My own Topic:-
What's your favourite Food/Drink of all time?
Do you usually eat fast-food or just cook yours or someone cook for you?

Also Imatrx:-
Keep up you're doing well, keep chilled and cool. I think you've been long enough in the clan (I think eki27 suites it too but he's inactive for exams) so you both are good, I'm not afraid about the clan now.
Rank Update
Hey guys, i have updated the Ranks of those inactive. I have placed SrBognanno , BumbleBurke , Voidexxx , and MMATori into the currently inactive rank. Thanks

MineDogz is also inactive, but i can't transfer people from the war team into inactive.

I like food that isn't too heavy, like fish, but the occasional steak seems okay. I am also a very unhealthy person who likes to eat junk food and softdrinks

First Post Improvement
Soon i will SERIOUSLY remake the first post, but the story, goals, and other essential stuff will still be kept.
Expect the headers to be updated and Members covered. Thanks
i'm making a system regarding it, don't worry guys. But it won't be easy, i'll need your help.
Take a screenshot of your tori with a good pose and PM it to me via attachments or imgur, and i'll take care of the rest

Sorry for the sudden use of bbcodes lol
Last edited by Lust; Dec 30, 2015 at 10:28 AM.
hey sola i'll b a bit inactive cuz yah know new year
im sorry again for shitpost cuz im on my bru bruhs phone
and my mom said be quick cuz we have to go to grandma's
house to get some sh*t and stufff.....

anyways ill be able to post maybe 1st of jan.

Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
i'll put you in currently inactive rank for the meantime, then

hey onsola do council get war perms? I can fight too, ya know
sure why not eki, I trust u wont just go solo war Nitro.

Nice we got some activity here.
Mat is a nice guys, the thing is that not everyone is able to see it since he is kinda rude sometimes. I believe that we cant judge someonewithout doing some research on their `backgrounds´ but yh we are not making any research on Mat.
As he says, if they treat him nicely he will be nice. If so lets start being nicer ppl, its not that hard!

Alright eki, pm me if u need help with that remaking of the first post, Ill send u a pic of my sexy tori later okno.

My favourite drink and food? Well lasagna is delicious and so its pizza so maybe one of those woudl be my favourite, I like italian food and I have some italian relatives /o/ about the drink I guess soda and any kind of pomelo drink as well.

Everyone is kinda busy and its not posting quite often, in this time of the year I cant expect to have much activity you know, I dont want you to quit ur lifes to be 24/7 on the clan thread, but if every1 finds a few free mins a day to post it would be nice. Also now that eki is back between him, me and mat the activity will raise a lot soon. And if seba posted a bit more often as well
Also we need to recruit more and kick some inactive members later. I might take car of that by myself. We have 3 active members and like 9 inactive, some told me they would be inactive so we will alow those to stay for now
just fixed some minor misspellings on the clan story
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 30, 2015 at 05:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump