You should all know that there's an upside to the occasional drama. It gives us chances to show how well handle it. If this was some scrub clan, a leadership 'hitch' would turn nasty and everybody would act like the children they are. We're not some scrub clan, and we've proven that by the way we act. We're better than most other clans. We just need to continue to prove that.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
You should all know that there's an upside to the occasional drama. It gives us chances to show how well handle it. If this was some scrub clan, a leadership 'hitch' would turn nasty and everybody would act like the children they are. We're not some scrub clan, and we've proven that by the way we act. We're better than most other clans. We just need to continue to prove that.

The underlined part actually sounds a bit selfish, but you're right, I think you all handled well with this little situation. I myself didn't post anything about it as I already saw the post before it was removed and had a talk with zelda ingame.

About the debate event, you said you would keep it down for a while now, but, how should you be able to judge. None of the teams will give up as there's something to win. And voting would be all oppinions and favoratism, which isn't always fair.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Yes. As a clan, in order to grow and develop, some drama is needed. We have to be able to learn from each others mistakes to improve.

-corney but true
Last edited by Link; Mar 11, 2015 at 04:36 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
The underlined part actually sounds a bit selfish, but you're right, I think you all handled well with this little situation. I myself didn't post anything about it as I already saw the post before it was removed and had a talk with zelda ingame.

Maybe not selfish, but confident. Your average DSC is preeeeetty bad. The standard of *most* official clans isn't that much better. I'd say there's less than 20 (being generous) that actually deserve to be official based on their current state.

Confidence is a big part of my personality, so that might spill over into our clan's ethos. I think confidence is a good thing. Self-doubt doesn't look good on anyone.

Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
About the debate event, you said you would keep it down for a while now, but, how should you be able to judge. None of the teams will give up as there's something to win. And voting would be all oppinions and favoratism, which isn't always fair.

I adjudicate (judge) for my state's school competitions. I've got access to a scoring matrix and I know how to use it. I basically allocate a score based off a standard mark (e.g. 20 points would be average, 21-22 Above average and 18-19 below average). I give three different scores based on three different areas and total up the scores to see who won. So I'd adjudicate/judge the Toribash debates the same way. But yeah, it's on the backburner for now.
Originally Posted by IIInsanEEE View Post
Redundant, would you be nice and put that into a spoiler please?

The post was also below the minimum word count for posts on this thread.

It isn't really that dramatic tbh. I'm pretty sure the majority of us have posted worse than what I did in SandI. (Not that this justifies my actions, I am just trying to put this in perspective)
Good morning sweet princess
hmm, I'm aware of what was going on. But I don't know what to say so, I'll just keep flowing in others themes. The situation seems pretty well managed.

Aaand, omg guys my brain is frying and my creativity has gone to the shit. I don't know what to do on the textures' sets ;-;

Any ideas?
A monster wearing a human mask? maybe a clown wearing a mask which looks like a normal face. Or something furry. People love that sorta silly creepy stuff.
Good morning sweet princess
I personally prefer robotic stuff. I think it's easier to have ideias for making textures. When I am lacking creativity I use to search through some draws on deviantart/other sites to get more ideias. There is a lot of great work there that inspires me haha