Originally Posted by Ironboy67 View Post
How to get to "freshmen" or "member"?

You will be a trial member for 2 weeks and then you will get freshmen after those 2 weeks.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
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Actually post from time to time. Including the two week thing I haven't seen you post for like 3 weeks Idk if you had played either. Not saying you NEED to play but a, "hey, I'm not going to play for a few weeks", or a "you might not see me a lot" would be nice.
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Originally Posted by Ironboy67 View Post
How to get to "freshmen" or "member"?

Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
Actually post from time to time. Including the two week thing I haven't seen you post for like 3 weeks Idk if you had played either. Not saying you NEED to play but a, "hey, I'm not going to play for a few weeks", or a "you might not see me a lot" would be nice.

basically that ironboy. Being active then maybe even playing from time to would help. As master side, umm if you cant it would be nice for you to tell us.
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Originally Posted by iIluminati View Post
ye me too. i've seen alot of ppl get in and bam, no sign of them whatsoever.

hey im here ;-;
Commencing Project Origin 2.0
Originally Posted by savlon View Post
hey im here ;-;

I was referent to ppl like, say MT90. He applied like 3 to mes, didn't read first post until the last one, then didn't say a word once he got in. But you've been posting here alot and generally been a good member
Originally Posted by iIluminati View Post
I was referent to ppl like, say MT90. He applied like 3 to mes, didn't read first post until the last one, then didn't say a word once he got in. But you've been posting here alot and generally been a good member

i have never seen MT90, just goes to show the inactivity. we should do something like that like for instance when youre unofficial if youre inactive for a whole month without saying anything you should get kicked because it not nice having players who dont add to the community ,even if they are good.
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