I can decap enemy in 10 frames and its freaking awsome i don;t care if you don;t accept me. I am just to cool to care
Originally Posted by RiseAgainst View Post
Detructo: you haven't even played online =\

Just what I was going to say, 0% win and 0 games played.

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...
Originally Posted by snowflakeG View Post
Just what I was going to say, 0% win and 0 games played.

Shh, he's to good to care ;)! He's also here for uber long time - he regged on forums 2 days ago O:. Anyway I doubt we're ready for you. Let our clan reach your level first. Thanks, master >.>.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Kilipiu (and everyone else) make ONE decent post, don't cut it into pieces, littering, our thread. Just post when ready, what do you think we'll to with partial applications, and thing how does it look like? >.> What does it say about you? Not a great poster on our forums (possibly) in the future, hmm?:/
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"