I would rather you stopped arguing about hentai in my clan thread...

Also if you have any unsolved problems with each other it would be better if u discussed in private.

This post is shitty but it had to be said
biggest accomplishment


im sorry 4 the shitpost......i just have to post or i'll be inactive

btw im seious about that
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
I agree with Onsola.
Just stop this useless fight about hentai. I don't want to loose members,
cause we lost some because of similiar reason. Remember that we have
infractions for this type of things so watch out.

This thread needs to be more formal. If we get official we can have tons
of threads on our private board but now we have only one and let's keep
this one good.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
who fights about hentai? We are really weird with our discussions nowadays. So if you want a better topic, tell me what we should improve with this infraction system and what other things do you want to see and/or add in mau's running system
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
I've read one before, i came I was disgusted.

Shitpost if you want to read it

Second Shitpost

Well I'm charged full of shitposts.

New topic: What mostly happens around your town/city?

Well I live in a town of 20.000 or 30.000 people, so its pretty calm around here, maybe a car accident or a burning building but it happens like in 2 or 3 weeks, maybe I see Matrx in the tree eating birds but anyways.
Running away...
Thats not important eki. Well I guess we need a new topic.

What are you planning to do to celebrate this new year? Will you do something special or it will be just a regular day? What are u used to do during this holiday? What do you think about the chinese new year? do you celebrate it?

Right now here, where my pc is in the last floor of my house, its around 35ºC and the humidity is of 80% so I will write that later, I am boiling over here D:

edit: just saw seba introduced a new topic, we will use mine later unless u wanna write bout it.

Mat hasnt power abused (yet) he constantly says he will but never did. If he did so he would be instantly out of this clan.

What happens around my city? well, roberies? heat? floods? and the rest of the year almost nothing, there are some fares in the main plaza but thats pretty much it, I dont live in a large city but lots of ppl come here usually
Just did a discussion in the group to discuss about apps in our recruitment thread
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 29, 2015 at 04:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Im sorry you need to post an app in the applications thread and follow all the rules in order to even be thought upon. Thank you
Queen there is an application thread read the first post.

Seba - Well considering I travel around Florida, France, and Morocco...
Alot of things happen,

Like this one time in Morocco I got jumped by like 6 or 4 11 year olds (I was 11 at the time.)
And also many fights occur.
This one time in Florida (Where I am now) some kid got knocked the fuck out and it was hilaroius.
Oh oh also this other time in Florida in this rollerskating place called Let's skate orlando, this
One kid was messing with the props and stuff so a worker there told them to stop right?
Then this kid fucking points the middle finger at her and he gets kicked out (Keep in mind, this kid is like 8 or 9.)

Channel - ok
Hello it's me again. Catalyst I find it hard to post and I think you guys know that...

Anyway Matrx check the application thread I already vote for Loopeh, and Queen like we all said there's an application thread with requiring details etc.

For New Years I plan to have some friends over and we hang out watch the ball drop and you know just have a good time. I feel more relaxed now that we've gotten some of the "shitposts" out of the way. Although thanks for putting it in a spoiler but that was completely unnecessary....That is really racist and pretty shallow for you to do something like that. Also thanks for that heartwarming story yoshi...

Having Matrx as moderator is not a bad idea.
1. He's active on the forums
2. He can be funny and nice
3. He's contributed and been in this clan for a while.

Seba seriously it's not a bad thing that Matrx is a mod..What do you guys think of me being a mod? Nobody mentioned yet.

Anyway guys go check out Onsola's link we need everyone's opinions! Incase you didn't see it, it's right Here
Last edited by Jade; Dec 29, 2015 at 09:06 PM.