4 doubleswords
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
I got the reference o/

Anywho. I'm going to start playing on the EUW server just because I want to. Me being an NA player all this time, I haven't kept up with their meta or their "playstyle" if you will. Any tips? Things I shouldn't do on EU that people can do/get away with on NA?

The EU tend to be less strict, but in the higher levels most of them are there not because they play so much that they got to lvl 30 but because they actually win most of their games

And I bought some RP, and I need to know what Character I should buy, can't make my mind up. Soo many choices *drool*
Hmm.. Maybe Shaco.. Or Ezreal.. Uh.. can't decide
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
The EU tend to be less strict, but in the higher levels most of them are there not because they play so much that they got to lvl 30 but because they actually win most of their games

And I bought some RP, and I need to know what Character I should buy, can't make my mind up. Soo many choices *drool*
Hmm.. Maybe Shaco.. Or Ezreal.. Uh.. can't decide

Don't buy shaco with rp, he's only 3k so it's easy to save up for.
Well what do you reccomend then, the purchasing is under maitanence so I guess thats why the RP packages don't appear, if not, I have to download it onto another PC just to buy RP since you can't buy it off of their website.. Which is stupid
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
I got the reference o/

Anywho. I'm going to start playing on the EUW server just because I want to. Me being an NA player all this time, I haven't kept up with their meta or their "playstyle" if you will. Any tips? Things I shouldn't do on EU that people can do/get away with on NA?

Add MikroMikko and poke me whenever you're playing. ;p

..From my point of view, there aren't really that big difference in "meta" or "playstyle" (tho I'm not lvl 30 on any server, so...)

In a nutshell:

100% less "HUEHUEHUEHUE Brasilians"

100% more "blblblblblblbl))))) Russians".
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post

Now, let's lower it to 1,2k again with someone who accidentally leaves or afks because parents said so.