Also christianity somewhere 500 years ago got the idea to kill any cat somewhere in a town, just because they were brought from lucifer or something like that, and then you know what happened... RAT PLAGUE
So any type of religion have it's errors.
Running away...
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
Religion baced i'm an Atheist.

Was raised a Christian/Catholic since i live in/was born in Sweden(Christian)
And my mum is from Poland wich is a Catholic based country.

Well yh, Poland is very religious country.

And another thing, people now say that Islam is bad cause people kill and etc (especially after Paris attacks), but Christianity also had crusades and they killed people ,,cause god told them''.
So yep, I agree with you Seba, every religion has it's errors. I am Christian but I am not intolerant to other religions.
Last edited by Gruszex; Dec 26, 2015 at 10:12 PM.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Alright lets introduce a new topic. How would be the perfect toribash mod for you? I might be able to do something you like but not even close to perfect.

I would like to know what you guys like about toribash mods, the atmosphere, obstacles, details. If you give a good description I might be able to do something.
Also I was thinking that maybe I should do a new clan mod. What should it be? spar/parkour or competitive? and what should it have? like some buildings or maybe trees, a training dojo, give details about what you would like to find on it.

Besides, I invite ya'll to check my mods thread, you can find the link in my signature
The perfect mod for me would probably be a mod with many obstacles that are easy to jump over. This wouldn't just be useful to me, it'd be useful for people who are'nt as good as parkour.

A mod for madmans would also be pretty cool, but I can't think what that'd look like
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Idk guys,

Don't really feel like being in a clan, don't have the interest in them anymore, and i'm just taking dead space, i'm leaving but nothing against the clan at all, you're all verry Lovely and hope i can get a Place on the single allies list or atleast stay a friend.

Oh wellssies
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
With difficulty connecting to steam why
don't you just download the standalone version of Toribash?

also akidio for life.
$ echo "Code is the canvas where logic dances, and bugs are the unexpected choreography."
Well its a pitty you decided to leave xioi, I added you to the single allies. I hope we keep in touch even tho you left. GL, idk in what but its never bad to have good luck.
Feel free to stay in our group as vic did, after all you are a single ally

Mine that was kinda a shit post, you should improve the quality of your posts, also check the topic we were talking about or maybe start a new one, we talk about steam some pages ago if I remember correctly
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 27, 2015 at 03:13 AM.
Hmmmmm i'll go with aikido,cuz you know me,aikido is mah thing but i do mess up somethimes
eighter im clumsynot being serious,or i'm just playing around tryin to have a good time
anyways im literaly boredto death in my house like srsly,im usally i kind of kind who comes
outside,masturbating,playing basketball,hanging out,fucking lil bitchesyah know all kinds of stuff

anyways HQ post aint really mah thing soo im gonna sit down here and just CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL watching scouts guide to zombie apocolypse,and some zombieland with nothing but 2 bottles of coke and 2 bowls of pop fucking

until then,sa susunod uli tayo magkakulitan

Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
Well as Onsola said, it's a pity you left the clan, but I hope you will keep in touch with us
You are always welcome to our thread.

On topic :
My perfect mod would be something for madmans. With some things that you can hang on,
or use it to get momentum, some poles and any shit I can attack with :P

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16