So hello guys, I'm sorry for the inactivity I was pretty ill. Flu,Cough and high temperature.
But I'm more good now. Any ways Merry christmas even though I'm muslim as yoshiman60 Said Us muslims don't celebrate it but actually I usually (Ingames) Just say merry christmas give gifts but I don't celebrate it in real life. Just to make people happy.
Also Just wanted to ask, How many Muslims in MAU?
Hey, I finally can post more.
You know, christmas things, so I wasn't able to post much.
Anyway, I got Fifa 16, volleyball shoes and kneepads, some money and clothes.

Also kinda new topic:
There's something similiar in christian religion and muslim religion.
For example:
Allah in Islam, God in Christianity
Muhammad in Islam, Jesus in Christianity.
Also the situation with Quran is similiar
to situation with Moses and Decalogue.
I think that Islam and Christianity may belive in the same god
but it's just diffrent interpretation of that.
What do you think guys?

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Well in Islam there are thousands of prophets Muhammad, and Jesus(Isa) are to name a few.
Allah in english means God.
The quran hasnt been modified in anyway. The bible on the other hand has been modified many times over the years.
Also there is no correct translation of the Qur'an. Arabic is a language of poetry.

Here's a little history lesson for you guys.

Back then thousands of years ago, people would speak in poet.
Muhammad on the other hand couldn't read or write Arabic, tho he could speak.
So one day Muhammad walked inside a cave ( Forgot the name ).
The holy Angel jibril (Gabriel) came and told him to "Write!".
Muhammad said "I don't know how." Jibril hugged him tightly and let him go and told him to "Write!"
He said " I dont know how." So jibril started reciting words from Allah.
Since Muhammad doesn't know how to read our write he memorized the words amd went out
And started reciting the exact words. People came when they heard this they knew
No man could have wrote this. So then every time he would memorized a surah (Chapter)
He would go recite it and disciples would listen and write it down. So this went on for years. Muhammad died
At the age of 40+ I think.


Channel - ok
Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post
Hey, I finally can post more.
You know, christmas things, so I wasn't able to post much.
Anyway, I got Fifa 16, volleyball shoes and kneepads, some money and clothes.

Mooney money money money moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

so with the religions with christianity and islam well I give an example:
Allahu Akbar means God is good If I am not wrong, I don't know the meaning.
I'm not into religious discussions so maybe I start a new topic, not now because there are not a lot of posts.
Also I will bump this for no reason, this was for joey, but he left now it's for the beginners who enter on here, I don't think any beginner can come to this thread, maybe new ones with good forum activity.

Big ass post made 300 pages ago

Last edited by Corredor; Dec 26, 2015 at 01:43 PM.
Running away...
Diferent cultures have diferent traditions. Since cristians are alsot everywhere and coca-cola took advantage of the cristian celebration of cristmas, it is now kinda massive and wordwide when it wasnt like this not so long ago.

How many Muslims in MAU? Well I dont know which religion does each member have so I cant answer you :v

Seba that 'tutorial' or idk how to call it is pretty well explained idk if someone has alrady done one like this, maybe put it somewhere, like our group or maybe translate it to spanish (after all u did it) and send it to Hip-Uni tho idk if that org is still alive.

From my point of view everyone has the same God but they give it diferent names, about the other secondary gods/etc they are pretty much the same but have diferent titles/names.
That's just my humble opinion tho
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Diferent cultures have diferent traditions. Since cristians are alsot everywhere and coca-cola took advantage of the cristian celebration of cristmas, it is now kinda massive and wordwide when it wasnt like this not so long ago.

Hmm the history says that Santa Claus was green but Coca Cola changed it to red with merchandise and things

Originally Posted by Onsola
How many Muslims in MAU? Well I dont know which religion does each member have so I cant answer you :v

Matrx is a muslim

Originally Posted by Onsola
Seba that 'tutorial' or idk how to call it is pretty well explained idk if someone has alrady done one like this, maybe put it somewhere, like our group or maybe translate it to spanish (after all u did it) and send it to Hip-Uni tho idk if that org is still alive.

I believe no one done a tutorial on MAU after you and me, I think is one of the longest posts in MAU thread, not in recruitment thread, Xioi wins because of the application hehe.
Also I'm too lazy to translate it.

Originally Posted by Onsola
From my point of view everyone has the same God but they give it diferent names, about the other secondary gods/etc they are pretty much the same but have diferent titles/names.
That's just my humble opinion tho

They don't have the same god, different gods have different powers, as Zeus from Greek and our God from Christianity, Zeus doesn't know what will happen in the future, God knows, is just an example.
Running away...
Think of this, the Islam religion believes in straight out murdering everyone in other reigions, or converting them. Even their God and their prophet say that if they die killing the "bad guys" they will go to heaven and have many virgins to do what they please. It's a suicide for rape catastrophe. This was also highly based of of Judaism and Christianity especially because they were around for thousands of years earlier. On the other hand, Mormons believe that there is another world, not a heaven, in the distant universe whereof you are accepted into it you have infinite sex to create your own world like earth. They believe Jesus And lucifer, the eldest sons of the "true God" fought over owning early and Jesus won. So lucifers minions became black people. Also, it was a man who claimed that in a New York park an angel told him to move a rock and underneath was solid gold chamber with solid gold books to translate with magic glasses. My gosh. plus they think if you drink cafine, you go to hell with your balls chopped off. Note that cafine did not exist in ancient times which Mormons claim is how long that chamber was there, which DISAPPEARED. now, with Catholicism and Judaism and Christianity, they are the same religion with just slightly different beliefs, like indulgences or other stuff that isn't major. The one thing though is that hear were around long long before any other religion, am I right? So far everything in the bible has been completely accurate especially with the prifecies. And I the other religions their main books were just about the persons who "figured out about the religion." Then a little about what you need to do to go to heaven/paradise. And in Christianity ect. The project of Jesus came true and he was the only one to perform miracles. Muhammad simply lead people to raid cities and kill innocent people and the Mormon guy, I forgot his name, did absolute crap. He just said this is true follow me. And for the atheists, what would be the purpose of life without a reason to live. If there is no God, what do we live for then. So pm me your response because I can't check the clan chat often enough. And please think about this, thouroughly.

I advise that this posters solely off of the head because of intense reasearch in the past about religious beliefs, for more information pm me if you want more understanding. Cheers
Religion baced i'm an Atheist.

Was raised a Christian/Catholic since i live in/was born in Sweden(Christian)
And my mum is from Poland wich is a Catholic based country.

Idk, i really don't see any Point in religion for myself, i don't mind people that belive in religion at all tho, it's a matter of own choise.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
First of all, seba, ori, I believe that there is no God you know. Maybe Jesus did exist as well as Muhammad. I was raised as cristian and I am 'legaly' a cristian, however, with the time I lost faith in God, I believe that he doesnt exist or that maybe he does exist but that doesnt affect us directly

Now from what I remember from hisrtory lessos of 2 years ago Muslims, Jews and Cristians have the same God; Jews dont believe in Jesus and Cristians dont believe in Muhammad. (I might be wrong I studied this 2 years ago, almost 3 now)

Each time one of this mesias came they changed partially the religion there was before. However these religions still share some things.

Ori you were practically saying that Cristians were 'saints' I guess you forgot the Inquisition and the Crusades, in both cristias would torture those who didnt believe in God and eventually kill them.
Remember that the charge of the pope for a long time was bought not given as it is now. There were lotd of corruption there. So yeah cristians arent 'saints' remeber what they did to Copernico
No they had crusades because they lost their land to murder and raiding so they attacked to get their holy land back. The reasons they attacked in the bible was because there was horrible times when they lost land or lost their faith only to repent but the cycle continues because of the status of the times back then. My bad for forgetting that
Also... I didn't say they were saints, but the people that tortured other were indeed corrupt and thought that was the only way but the whole Islam religion believes they need to kill to go to heaven or have infinite paise.
Last edited by 0RIGINAL5; Dec 26, 2015 at 06:52 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump