Hahaha same here, feels great to know a friend who has a flat and the neighbors don't give a damn if we party like crazy.
Well maybe the neighbors do mind, but they never complain and stuff. :3
i know what can get you guys to talk. :3
guys. whats your worst sexual experience? these questions are great for getting people talking at house parties so should be great for here. and once you answer you have to ask another sex question :P

my worst was with this chick. i met her in town with her friend and one of my mates. she was catching the same bus as me, so i invited them all back to mine so we can listen to music and drink and shit. and it ended up with me and this chick going outside (winter) and banging outside in my garden. but not only that, but she was shitttt and is like a fucking robot. and it just made it difficult.
I hardly play games anymore.. sorry to disappoint
I have no sexual experience. :P But this happened recently.

Few weeks ago, my sister was studying psychology and had to do a night shift in an asylum, I went there to pick her up with friend.
We waited around the asylum lobby, saw few patients and inmates around when suddenly there is a really hot girl came by and sit beside us.
She said she knew my sister, she talk, dress, and behave normally so I thought she is one of my sister's friend and we chat up a bit, eventually my friend manage to turn up the conversation.
Just when things about to get hot, she panicked, broke up the conversation and left. That's when my sister came then we left soon after, though my friend was still disappointed.
We chat about random stuff in car and my friend mention that hot chick, my sister reaction?
"Her? Oh yeah, everyone says HE is pretty, and a very friendly dude at that."
Sup. Anybody else participating in no fap November. It is probably my personal best in no fapping for the past 3 years if not even more. Almost 21 days have passed and I'm starting to not think about anything sexual anymore. The first 2 weeks were hard if you know what I mean.

Has anybody ever had gyno? I recently got it. I was sitting at the computer and I realized that my nipples hurt a bit when I touch them. Then I felt 2 lumps under my nipples and i thought I had breast cancer for a second. It is because of puberty and shit and it will go away after like 6 months hopefully. Got to say, it got me worried at first.
Anybody else participating in no fap November.

whoa dude.. no I'm not.

Has anybody ever had gyno? I recently got it. I was sitting at the computer and I realized that my nipples hurt a bit when I touch them. Then I felt 2 lumps under my nipples and i thought I had breast cancer for a second. It is because of puberty and shit and it will go away after like 6 months hopefully. Got to say, it got me worried at first.

i had that years ago. how old are you? and yeah they hurt like a bitch.
I hardly play games anymore.. sorry to disappoint
Wow man, awesome place you got there...

I'll probably quit tb after new year. Time to study for my entrance exam to transfer from my school to a foreign school. 6 more years, and hellooo U.S!
*above text was meant for shad's experience on page 563
Last edited by Railgun123; Nov 21, 2013 at 12:25 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump