Well actually cristmas celebration was started by coca-cola taking advantage of those who believed in Jesus... you should know that Saint Clous was made up by coca-cola as a marketing strategy so yeah. The real cristmas is going to curch every sunday till the 24 and yeah praying and stuff.

Seba dont make up quotes of me e.e

Also that steam thing is bullshit, when u get 20 views it says there is no more stock of steam wallets so yeah dont waste time on that. Funny what ppl would do to get some free money huh?

Other thing, the 501st in Zed's name has something to do with star wars :P those of you wholike star wars should know

I dont know much about scrips and programing however I find it funny to see how ppl try to hack my steam with links I usually download them, check them and delete them . You may say that I am crazy but i have like 7 anti-virus in my browser so yeah not much to worry about.

Happy cristmas guys! (just for today I will alow you to just post mery cristmas/happy cristmas)



I remember a month back before I knew about yoshi and Noah I got scammed pretty big time. I used to play this game called Minecraft you guys probably have heard of it. Well there was this like "Free cape" program that happen. But i trusted it because the server's host broadcasted the link. I trusted it but was a little skeptical but since i'm naive I went for it. Well it was a huge scam and got me banned from several servers that I liked to play. I really hope this wouldn't happen to you like my naiveness had a huge effect on this

Anyway please PM yoshi or me(mostly yoshi) if you're skeptical about any sites or your internet safety.

I will not be here for about 3-5 hours because I will be going over to my grandparents. Anyway I wish you guys the best of luck and happy holidays!

Btw, please check my Replay Thread!

I will contribute 1k when the time is right

New Topic: What did you guys eat/get for christmas! (Onsola please don't kill me)
Last edited by Jade; Dec 25, 2015 at 08:52 PM.
Christmas took me over completely almost,

Hi ye it's me the inactive faggiosa.

So i'm working on acoupleofreplays, Finished a replay to the ongoing ninja warrior, belive i might win with best replay with it but idfk and really don't care lol.

Doing a couple of other parkours,madmans aswell,
(check my rpl thread btw got some new madmans there )

Anywho, What did you guys get for christmas?(if it's alreddy been asked i'm sorry for being to lasy to read back a couple of pages.)

I got a bunch of clothes pretty much.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Hey xioi nice to have you back

Well what did I eat for cristmas? Well I had rise wit tuna, vitel tone (which is a kind of meat with a tuna sauce which is delisious in sandwiches), some stuff which jam and cheese, cow tounge, which was prepared quite spicy, chocolates and some other sweet stuff, too lazy to search how they are called.

What did I get? well money and I will buy a smart phone in a few days cuase there was no stock left, yeah it was kinda sad but I have no hurry so I can wait a few days.

Also just did my first proper wall run, not that good but it was kinda hard

pd: did you post your parkours in your replays thread xioi? I might check the later if so
Hey everyone, merry Christmas. Great replay onsola. I got an iPhone 6, yay. Also please check m replay thread I need CNC to get better. I don't really have anything else to say, have a great week guys

Christmas Surprize.

Last edited by MineDogz; Dec 25, 2015 at 10:19 PM. Reason: merry Christmas.
$ echo "Code is the canvas where logic dances, and bugs are the unexpected choreography."
Everyone else having as much fun as i am with Steam getting a cacheing seizure? lol

Seems they overloaded or something, fucked the database of the store and account information,

There's more info on the Community page on steam if anyone wants a ramble at it.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Well I almost had no internet during the hole day so I thought it was me not steam but nice to know that I am not the only one with a laggy steam yay.

Later I will try to play some Warface if I am not laggys as much as I have been.

Also today I got to play a bit with Zed who hasnt lose his skill in aikido, which is amazing. Looks like he is going to start playing Tb again /o/
well what i ate:i ate alot a shit!!! i had fish fillet,pansit(filipino spaghetti thing)rice(asian thing),ham,soup,white sauce,calamansi juice(anotha asian thing),coca-cola diet while watching one piece in the ark with my cousin

what i got:clothes...............that's it.
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
What I ate for christmas?

Well Im Muslim so we don't really celebrate it.....
Usually us muslims will just do it for the lols or usually nothing just live a normal day.

We dont celebrate christian holidays.

Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus.
Jesus' mother Mary was Pure. She was a virgin. So when she had a baby it was a miracle.
But christians believe that Jesus is the son of god, or he is god. Looking at how you worship him.

Us muslims believe that god created a miracle to which virgin mary could be fertilized without a mans Seed.
We believe that he was a prophet of the lord.

While christians believe mary had the baby of god. Etc etc

Channel - ok