Zelda, 'equanimity', for you, is the name of the game. You need to learn how to control your emotions - especially if you're after a position of responsibility on the forums. You cannot let an online tiff with someone mentally unbalance you so much. You're not dumb, you should also have the foresight to restrain yourself from posting should you get worked up like that. You control how you react to challenging experiences/emotions - you can choose to let them imbalance you, and you end up making stupid decisions, or you can choose to not let it affect you and continue on being the sober, smart Zelda. This really is good life advice, I use it myself.

Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
I just hope that y'all are the forgiving type. At least you guys realised I was a basketcase pretty rapidly so it didn't come as too much of a shock (I hope).

We're not kicking you. It's harder for you to stay balanced than other people, and I recognise that. You do need to start making improvements though.

That said, I've moved Link up to leader and demoted you for now. You've previously acknowledged that you're not really doing 'much' around the place, whereas people like Link and IIInsanEEE are doing heaps (Nerti's done a whole load too). So, I'd like to see you make more of an impact and improve your equanimity. If you do that there's no reason you couldn't be reinstated as leader.


Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Infractions would help. Unfortunately i don't have the power to infract, i can only give out warnings in pm's.

I will look over the rules and we should think about making a thread about this in the board we're discussing.

Yeah, when shit gets hairy in Discussion I have to refer it to the higher-ups as well. It's not that bad though, you can usually always find someone in IRC to do it for you right away.

Other than the first big post and the idea of staff having their own say (two-tiered thing), Lazors (+everyone else) what else do you think should be included in the prop we'll post on the suggestions board?
Last edited by Ele; Mar 11, 2015 at 02:35 AM.
I'm not sure what half of this talk is about, I have been following but can't catch on.
Also, Hopefully Zelda is back to his own ways shortly and become leader again.
If not, I'm sure Link will make a great replacement!
father of philip scone
You guys are treating this like I had a psychotic episode or something. It was just angry backseat moderation. At least I didn't make too make spelling spelling mistakes. Anyway, Ele you obvious advise is much appreciated. I am glad someone told be the solution to not posting out of emotion is controlling my emotions, otherwise I would have no idea.

On a serious note though, thanks for giving a shit and trying to help. I think, in retrospect, it was less of a reactionary angry outburst and more just a desire to rip into someone arrogant. Anyway, won't happen again.
Good morning sweet princess
OK guys. The only force/lax we need now are Demolition and Amber. Then we'll have finished the list and we can check it off in the goals section.
Do we need me to try hosting betting servers to raise the banks funds or are we loaded enough already?
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Do we need me to try hosting betting servers to raise the banks funds or are we loaded enough already?

If I can remember right, you guys have a market bot on the way, so you should be good.
Not that a betting server would hurt or anything. :o
father of philip scone
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
That said, I've moved Link up to leader and demoted you for now. You've previously acknowledged that you're not really doing 'much' around the place, whereas people like Link and IIInsanEEE are doing heaps (Nerti's done a whole load too). So, I'd like to see you make more of an impact and improve your equanimity. If you do that there's no reason you couldn't be reinstated as leader.

I understand. Link is a better clan member than me recently. I will try to find more time to host events and stuff.

Originally Posted by Ele
Yeah, when shit gets hairy in Discussion I have to refer it to the higher-ups as well. It's not that bad though, you can usually always find someone in IRC to do it for you right away.

Other than the first big post and the idea of staff having their own say (two-tiered thing), Lazors (+everyone else) what else do you think should be included in the prop we'll post on the suggestions board?

Since previously discussion Lmods didn't have the ability to edit posts I have never minded not being able to infract people. I sorta see my job as deleting people's posts and taking action before the Smods so they are less likely to get reported and then infracted. Although they still can probably receive infractions for posts which have already been moderated... Maybe I am just being dumb.

Ele: what sort of thread layout(s) would the debate events have?
Good morning sweet princess
If you know how to host bet servers, by all means, go ahead. No reason we can't have multiple sources of income. For the debate event, it would start with the host announcing the teams, rules and the topic. Then the first affirmative speaker would go, followed by first negative, then 2nd positive etc.. all the way up to 3rd negative. Then the host would announce the scores and declare a winner (giving feedback would be good form, too). It's quite specific - what each speaker has to do in their arguments (e.g. first and third speakers have entirely different jobs). There are some problems I see with this idea though, so I'm going to put it on hold and focus my efforts towards the clan - better use of my time.
If it was a clan event it would be really good for publicity. I can't think a more appropriate event for this clan to get known about with.
Good morning sweet princess

Zelda asked for me to put it into a spoiler, i'm doing it since she asked nicely and ironically

Last edited by IIInsanEEE; May 4, 2015 at 05:49 PM.