Too bad, I'd be willing to learn how to write C++ if I could develop things... Anyways, that's all I have to contribute./offtopic I'm doing this from school computers, while I'm doing my homework :3./offtopic
I dont know much about coding and what not , only design and layout.

Speaking of wich , I have disided to remake the Parkour City mods. Each mod will have the same layout but with alot more detail and a different setting for each. So pretty much im knocking down the walls and making them look like actual structures, along with a sprinkle of TR magic lol .

The last mod in that pack has me stumped though , any thoughts on a setting for that one ? Like a industrial roof top somthing , a reference picture would be helpfull .

There will be a vid for it too and this time I want some of you guys to be in it , when im done the first mod I will upload it so you guys can pair up and run togeather. Who here is good at parkour ?
I'm a part of L.O.P. If that counts me in as "good at parkour", it's my pleasure to do a replay for your mods.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Check out that picture. Perhaps you could implement a little bit of that, on top of a hotel or something, a general downwards sloped map but made in a way how you could go back around if you wanted. And at some parts add a railing of some kind (like a clothes line) that you could slide down. Some random debris suck as lawn chairs or pieces of equipment lying around would add to the realism of it. Finally, this is just an idea but at one point put a fence of some kind, which a breakable door which you could run through, and an opening at the top where you can also slip through. There's a video on youtube that has something like that (running down an alleyway and then encountering a fence, one guy jumps through hole other smashed through) add some smaller parts which are harder to get to though. Like a tight alley in between two parts of the building where you can drop down to a fire escape and swing away on some bars, or jump from ventilator to ventilator of some kind. :P

I'd be open to making a replay but I can't do parkour MP the best. I prefer to abuse my single-frame abilities. As in I can but I'm not the best with 10 frames.

I apologize for the picture being so zoomed out, I couldn't find one like that which was more zoomed in.
@ Gotkicks2: I know your good , so you are in . I just need you to pair up with someone to make a replay in multiplayer, and one you have in mind ?

@Dscigs: The layout of the original mod will be the same , the only thing that will be added is details and making the enviroment look more real . I like your thinking tho . The picture is good but Im wanting more of an "rusty" industial look .
Hello :>
I'd say I'm pretty good at parkour, I'd love to help as well. I suppose me and Got could cook something up if we meet ingame
Hmmmm, Got another idea.

If you're not going to change the layout then perhaps add some objects lying around as I said before. Perhaps adding a barrel that you could climb onto and roll around on would be a nice twist. Some objects lying around that you could slide on or trip over. Making some rusty barrels and things like that would be nice. If there are windows, try to add cracks on it or something. Most rooftops that have rust generally have broken windows.

Yeah, that's all I can think of.
Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post
Sorry jisse , I would like the members to be apart of it this time . Take no offence.

How about Jisse makes some replays, and then we'll replace him with any clan member for the vid, ofc without giving any credits to Jisse. I guess it would be some kind of compromise