Originally Posted by Sil View Post
School/Colledge would be so much better if we had no homework and test. I would rather just learn the material than doing it over and over again.

Then there'd be no grade system separating those who are "elite". That's what 'murica's democracy is based on.
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True but maybe there should be a different way of grading. Maybe one test ever 9 weeks to go over material you learned. Homework I just don't get because most kids these days don't actually do it themselves. They usually get someone else to do it for them and they get the good grade. So homework grades are kinda stupid to me. Not sure if I explain that well, but I hope it's good enough to understand.
I'm back :)
My old pre-calc teacher gives us homework. But you don't have to do it. It's practice if you need it. He grades the homework out of 5 points, quizzes out of 50, and tests out of 100. So pretty much it's in your best interest to do the homework so you do good on the tests. I like it that way because usually I'm ahead in the class so I don't have to do the homework.
I have a very similar system to EmoTeal.
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I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
I honestly would like hw to be counted on a high grade because my geometry teacher last year tried to change the grading system by making no hw, projects 20%, notes 5%, quizzes 25%, tests 50%. However, everyone started failing (even myself), because not only did no one do the hw because it helped you learn, it led to more people failing the tests. So he just started to curve all the tests so we didn't have to go to summer school. Our school is #1 or #2 in the state, but our geometry teachers/spanish teachers really suck.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
I think we should all go to toribash school.
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I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.