
Bryce stands in the middle of the room. He doesn't so much as flinch in the direction of his sword.

"My lords, can you all not see what is happening here? Can you all not see Galt's aim? Galt has already dealt his first blow. The fear of his coming has already caused so much disorder, I dread to see what will happen if he arrives as we are in such disagreement."
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The noble who first drew his sword licks his lips. Everyone else mumbles to eachother in doubt.

The noble turns and walks out of the hall, slamming his sword back into its sheath. Several other lords join him.

Myr turns to Bryce. "My lord, we should conclude this business as soon as possible. I fear we will face bloodshed otherwise..."

"Is that so?"

Bryce deadpans.

He turns to Myr.

"Then we should focus on preparing Porte for assault. A map would be well appreciated, Lord Caryonn."
Last edited by Thorn; Nov 23, 2012 at 04:25 AM.
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"Yes, of course. We have some in the war room. Though, it may be best to give the nobles instructions before we strategize. And if I may, my lord, I would suggest requesting Lord Moira's presence in the war council. He's hard to deal with but he's an excellent commander. Perhaps inform the nobles to prepare their troops and supplies?"
Bryce nods and returns his attention to the nobles.
"The rest of you who have chosen to stay, you have my deepest gratitudes. But for now, I will ask that you all be dismissed. Rally your men and stock your food and prepare for the worst. The lords that wish to assemble battle plans with myself, Lord Caryonn... and Lord Moira... may find us in the war room."

Bryce returns to the crowd and makes his way to Nic.

"You're going to be needed in the war room as well."
He tells Nic curtly.

"Lord Caryonn, lead the way."
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Nic, anxious and excited, wondering what the war room actually was and why Bryce actually wanted him in there as he tried to keep up with Bryce.

"So, brother, where is this proclaimed war room and uh.. well why do you need me in there for you.?"
Last edited by Donut; Nov 23, 2012 at 04:48 AM.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight

"Of course."

War Room

It's a somewhat spacious room, circular with desks spread throughout the perimeter. In the center is a large tapestry with a map of the surrounding country side. Colored blocks representing various objects sit to one side to be placed on the map. Clerks and messengers at the desk sit ready with pen and paper to write down orders and send them.

The biggest table, however, is at the far side with smaller maps and reports stacked neatly beside quills and inkwells. It's large enough for at least ten people. Servants with food and refreshments stand idle by the table to care for the needs of the present.

As Bryce and co. seat themselves, Raith Moira enters the room.

"So, you need me to plan your battles? Not surprising. I'm sure you see little of actual battle up north, next to the capital." He seats himself and asks a servant for wine.

Bryce answers Nic's question before seating himself.

"You have one-hundred and forty men in your raiding party. You're a commander."

To Raith, Bryce gives a sideways glance.
"I spent my youth in the libraries of Saxum, studying all their is to learn about war, strategy, and leadership. Though I have fought no battles myself, the history of centuries upon centuries of battles have been mine to scrutinize. I would've thought you already knew that, Lord Moira."
Last edited by Ray; Nov 26, 2012 at 07:48 AM.
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Moira just laughs.

"Such pride. Such foolishness."

Moira looks down at the tapestry.

"Send your boy with horse archers to the fording area. They'll circulate, running up and shooting then riding back before enemy archers can retaliate. Some pikemen would help; the riverling is shallow enough in some places for riders to cross."

He looks up to Bryce.

"You took the words from my mouth, Lord Moira. At least the gist of them."

"Galt's innumerable army will also need a bridge to cross, the building of which should keep them at bay for a good amount of days. And even more once we burn it down."
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Wiggi must love me forever now.