
Feel free to ask questions, I just proof-read a bit and noticed I left out a few things which I've now added, but I welcome and encourage questions!
Originally Posted by Okami View Post
I vote yes to both of these applications. because I can. and.....stuff.

Thanks, okami, i was worried you wouldn't vote!
Originally Posted by kill828 View Post

Thank you for your vote!
Originally Posted by kill828 View Post
Btw we are officially assimilating Pyro

Haha yeah I noticed that also

@Rappunk thank you, sir.
Pyro | MF | GerU | Electric | Revel | Essence
I'm Philosopher, and I've come here today to apply for Essence.

Who am I?

My name is Pat and I am about thirteen years of age, and live in the United States. I'm a friendly, yet competitive person both on and off the screen, and I am never afraid to have fun, but I do set boundaries for myself whenever I feel necessary. I've been said to be a bit quiet, but usually my introverted behavior only shows when I am unsure of my surroundings. I am the top of my class and am highly regarded in book smarts, but am an idiot sometimes when it comes to quick wit and ''street smarts''. Things I do for recreation are mainly sports, such as basketball and soccer, and playing my PlayStation game console, which I find a great way of unproductively spending my time B).

Why Essence?

I wish to join essence, rather than other clans, due to the fact that you guys are a group of mature individuals whom I feel I would fit in with. Most clans are crowded with so many immature, arrogant players that I find it hard not to adopt their behavior just so that they can accept me. But I don't wish to do that, and with this fellowship of members, I believe I won't have to.

What can I contribute?

Well, for one I am supportive of any clan I join and am a very active player, which is a good attribute to have as it strengthens those around you. Now as I see you are not a mainly war-based clan, I believe that what I can bring to the table in place of ingame skill, which I possess, is devotion and determination. If an event needs to be organized, i'm willing to do the dirty work. If the bank needs a sum of tc for whatever reason, I will try my best to donate. And though this isn't the most dazzling trait to present to a clan, I believe it is the most valuable.

What is my history with other clans?

I have only been in two other clans prior to applying for this one, those being The Kira Fighters and Cobras, both of which I resigned myself from due to extreme inactivity. In Cobras, I was on Team B (Allows me 95% of perks) and on Kira I was Co-Leader(100% of perks).

Why do you deserve the last spot?

I believe I deserve the last spot because I have confidence that I can be a good asset to this clan. I in no means am saying others are less fit for the job than I am, but I firmly take belief in the fact that I would fit well, and would not be a burden upon Essence. I hope you take my application into a account, and may you have a good day.
Last edited by Philosopher; Jan 27, 2014 at 12:14 AM.
Alright, to everyone that's been posting here back and forth: stop.
I don't want to see you commenting here anymore. This is strictly for apps and responses to apps.

If you really feel the need to have a back-and-forth with each other, do it via pm.

Originally Posted by Philosopher View Post
I'm Philosopher, and I've come here today to apply for Essence.

Who am I?

My name is Pat and I am about thirteen years of age, and live in the United States. I'm a friendly, yet competitive person both on and off the screen, and I am never afraid to have fun, but I do set boundaries for myself whenever I feel necessary. I've been said to be a bit quiet, but usually my introverted behavior only shows when I am unsure of my surroundings. I am the top of my class and am highly regarded in book smarts, but am an idiot sometimes when it comes to quick wit and ''street smarts''. Things I do for recreation are mainly sports, such as basketball and soccer, and playing my PlayStation game console, which I find a great way of unproductively spending my time B).

Why Essence?

I wish to join essence, rather than other clans, due to the fact that you guys are a group of mature individuals whom I feel I would fit in with. Most clans are crowded with so many immature, arrogant players that I find it hard not to adopt their behavior just so that they can accept me. But I don't wish to do that, and with this fellowship of members, I believe I won't have to.

What can I contribute?

Well, for one I am supportive of any clan I join and am a very active player, which is a good attribute to have as it strengthens those around you. Now as I see you are not a mainly war-based clan, I believe that what I can bring to the table in place of ingame skill, which I possess, is devotion and determination. If an event needs to be organized, i'm willing to do the dirty work. If the bank needs a sum of tc for whatever reason, I will try my best to donate. And though this isn't the most dazzling trait to present to a clan, I believe it is the most valuable.

What is my history with other clans?

I have only been in two other clans prior to applying for this one, those being The Kira Fighters and Cobras, both of which I resigned myself from due to extreme inactivity. In Cobras, I was on Team B (Allows me 95% of perks) and on Kira I was Co-Leader(100% of perks).

Why do you deserve the last spot?

I believe I deserve the last spot because I have confidence that I can be a good asset to this clan. I in no means am saying others are less fit for the job than I am, but I firmly take belief in the fact that I would fit well, and would not be a burden upon Essence. I hope you take my application into a account, and may you have a good day.

My vote is yes.
I'm happy you decided to apply.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Have my babys star

Congratulations, welcome to essence.

Also, apathy, would like to get to know you more first.
Frost is pretty cool