Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
What are the most annoying types of people you deal with on a daily basis, given your staff position?

As a local mod (not real staff): People who don't read the board rules and constantly post crap that needs to be cleaned up.
Us Uniteam: The people who alt and go fight in beginner servers to get tc.
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
What are the most annoying types of people you deal with on a daily basis, given your staff position?

As ex staff I think the most annoying people I have to deal with are the few I had to ban because they shared their password with me, they never understood why, and it's a pain to try and explain to an 8 year old the concepts of security.
That and people who think that forums should be a democracy.

As a current moderator I'd have to say my current problems entirely lie in useless posts, people who think nothing more than the injection of irrelevant statements of opinion is needed to contribute to a discussion, narcissists every last one of them.
Originally Posted by Ginkey View Post
Did you ever think that you would get this far at becoming an admin/mod/ninja?

I never wasted time thinking about that sort of stuff. I just did my job, and evidently I did it well enough that people figured that I deserved or needed promotions.

Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
What are the most annoying types of people you deal with on a daily basis, given your staff position?

People who think the Bill of Rights applies on the Internet (Or people who think they have rights in general on the Internet). Ugh.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
People that dont understand and have to be constantly reminded about what theyr doing wrong.
not because theyr trolling or trying to break as many rules as possible, they just dont understand what theyr doing wrong or how to correct it.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
Why did you want to become mod/amin/ninja/etc.

I applied for GM because I didn't feel like being a member of a community with no purpose. ( Plus having a sexy colored name is a perk. ) I hate sitting around doing nothing, and thats what i felt like i was doing when i was a normal member. So i decided to change that, and applied for GM.
Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
Why did you want to become mod/amin/ninja/etc.

Originally: POWER!
Then: To help out.
Now: To see if I can find the faith in humanity that I lost somewhere around here.

Originally Posted by celloman View Post
What is the best part of your job?

When someone is simply polite and respects that you are just doing your job and gets out the way once you have explained something to them.

Person> "Hey why can't I connect to Toribash?"
Mod> "Have you tried the intermediate servers? Beginner servers are belt restricted."
Person> "Oh, OK, thanks very much, have a nice day!"

As opposed to:
Person> "OMG Toribash sucks, I can't connect to any server, I tried them all!"
*after half an hour of asking them to try the intermediate servers*
Person> "WTF? It works now!?!"
They probably didn't even try it in the first place and now they are just covering their ass.
This happens (the latter) at a minimum 5 times a day in #support, the former however happens once or twice if your lucky.
Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
Why did you want to become mod/amin/ninja/etc.

My reason was a bit like Boon's. I got sick of lurking around the community with nothing to do. I also wanted to gain general experience with forums, since Toribash was my first one. Got some jobs, liked doing stuff and being appreciated.

Originally Posted by celloman View Post
What is the best part of your job?

I do a lot of work with beginners. I love seeing them transform, like when they come up to you 8 months after you met them while server sitting and thank you so much for all the stuff you taught them. I also like the feeling you get after helping someone with a question or a problem. It's all good.