Please boogie be nicer and less offensie. I dont want ppl to think we are a disrespectful clan...

I know this post is kinda bad but I need to say so.

Guys, whenever you do something remember that you have the clan tag in front of your name, you are representing my clan, our clan, so dont do stupid thinkgs like selling a copy-paste head or being rude and stuff like that.

Our reputation depends on you, the members so you should be as nice as possible and dont do stupid/fucked up things, come on, its not that hard.

If you dont understand Ill guess you will have to leavent he clan. This goes for everyone, from the lower ranks to the higher and even to me.
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 22, 2015 at 05:18 AM.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Please boogie be nicer and less offensie. I dont want ppl to think we are a disrespectful clan...

I know this post is kinda bad but I need to say so.

Guys, whenever you do something remember that you have the clan tag in front of your name, you are representing my clan, our clan, so dont do stupid thinkgs like selling a copy-paste head or being rude and stuff like that.

Our reputation depends on you, the members so you should be as nice as possible and dont do stupid/fucked up things, come on, its not that hard.

If you dont understand Ill guess you will have to leavent he clan. This goes for everyone, from the lower ranks to the higher and even to me.

yeah.i should focus on other things and stop being a nuisance.sorry bout that sola.i'll leave the important matters to more imporsnt people.soo i'll go get money to buy something better for me GOODBYE
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
Man don't talk about the new song for a new clan video calm down, the video was made like 5 or 4 days ago, wait!

Originally Posted by Onsola
you should be nice as possible and don't do stupid/fucked up things

*Cough* Cough* Matrx *Cough* *Cough*
Being serious I don't see Matrx to respect people, if you do a bad application then Boom! he hits you with insults, I think he is rude, check the recruitment thread
Originally Posted by Onsola
Seba let him an opportunity pls cmon you can't be so bad like that

Just check the Recruitment thread, go some pages back and you will see what I'm saying.
Last edited by Corredor; Dec 22, 2015 at 09:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Running away...
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
Man don't talk about the new song for a new clan video calm down, the video was made like 5 or 4 days ago, wait!

*Cough* Cough* Matrx *Cough* *Cough*
Being serious I don't see Matrx to respect people, if you do a bad application then Boom! he hits you with insults, I think he is rude, check the recruitment thread

Just check the Recruitment thread, go some pages back and you will see what I'm saying.

Nah he's alright for me, I think its his way of respect since we don't even know each other personally.

Random Topic: I FC'ed a MAP ON OSU HORY CRAP 104 PP!

Last edited by maruto600; Dec 22, 2015 at 09:24 AM.
Holy shit people are talking about me? Perfect.
Now I can finally make a post because I am vain.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Please boogie be nicer and less offensie. I dont want ppl to think we are a disrespectful clan...

I know this post is kinda bad but I need to say so.

Guys, whenever you do something remember that you have the clan tag in front of your name, you are representing my clan, our clan, so dont do stupid thinkgs like selling a copy-paste head or being rude and stuff like that.

Our reputation depends on you, the members so you should be as nice as possible and dont do stupid/fucked up things, come on, its not that hard.

If you dont understand Ill guess you will have to leavent he clan. This goes for everyone, from the lower ranks to the higher and even to me.

Why is being nice a requirement? That's not in my job description.
Well I'm rude because of some people's irrationality and contradictions. Also sc1ence01 was annoying me for the past few weeks, so I had a bad mood even on the forum.
Also, I'm vain as shit.
Well I don't do stupid things..
Here's a pic of my dog

lmao enough with that joke
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
Man don't talk about the new song for a new clan video calm down, the video was made like 5 or 4 days ago, wait!

*Cough* Cough* Matrx *Cough* *Cough*
Being serious I don't see Matrx to respect people, if you do a bad application then Boom! he hits you with insults, I think he is rude, check the recruitment thread

Just check the Recruitment thread, go some pages back and you will see what I'm saying.

lmao I love that part where you say "Boom! he hits you with insults"
Yeah I go pretty harsh on applicants since there aren't a lot of people who do. Although I made a really shitty application and they said 'yeah u in be active' I just like to keep everyone in check and make sure I do almost everything in my power to stop a person (who had a bad app) from getting in. Idk why I do it though.
Originally Posted by maruto600 View Post
Nah he's alright for me, I think its his way of respect since we don't even know each other personally.

Random Topic: I FC'ed a MAP ON OSU HORY CRAP 104 PP!

You could say I respect people by not being rude to them.
Though I'm mostly rude in the recruitment thread. I'm not rude (in a serious way) in game. I do make somewhat rude jokes, lol. I'm not that guy

Originally Posted by yoshiman60 View Post
Hey boogie welcome but don't just presume that you can get banned for racism. You can't get banned for racism unless you have the most racist username ever like "JewSuck", "BlackFuck", Etc.

I know this because I've seen people trying to report other people cause of racism the gms can't do anything about it, they can't control what the toribash community can or can't do unless it's reasonable to the community.

Also like the video Hope we use it for our vid :^)
Don't think Onsola can remix or mix in general it's really hard. You would probably need a Midi or something.

About Angelic, He's pretty mature that guy is also a pretty decent tricker don't go trying to make a bad name for him he usually won't do or say anything mean unless you're being mean etc.

Also Big Post ;^)

You can get banned for racism. It doesn't matter if you have the most racist name or not. The context simply does not matter to the staff. You say nigga, nigger in a public server you're getting a warning or a ban. It simply isn't allowed.
Why would a 12 year old be mature? They're very immature, last time I checked. And they're getting more immature generation after generation because they have less responsibilities.
Also, that was not a big post.

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
There is no way I makea remix you know, that song I posted is what I would like to use IF we do an other clan vid in the future you know, we already have one which is quite good.

just put the last part of the link to make it work boogie, cool song btw

Rasism is a hard topic to deal with since everyone has their own point of view, and what might be rasist for one is completely ok for the other. That makes judging this cases really hard, ofc some are pretty obvious and those are insta-banned. Not long ago there was a big discussion on if using the word nigga was rasist.

My opinion? Its bullshit, like nobody is getting banned for saying whity. Thats rasism, u get banned if u call a person black but not if you call them white. Honestly the only problem is the people, most complains about the nigga word are not becuse their feelings were hurt but to get some advantage and make the one who said it suffer (with an infraction or ban).

Thats why in most cases they dont do anything, its hard to know what to do if you want to do it right.

Is there any solution to this? yeah, removing the chat lol. As long as ppl can talk they will insult and disrespet, most ppl out there arent too civilized. This is the definition of civilized, taken from

  • having a high state of culture and social developmen.
  • Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable.
  • Marked by refinement in taste and manners.
  • cultured; polite.

Now think of the ppl you have met in toribash, did they all fullfill these? probably no

(yh I dont feel like talking more about pesimistic shit so here is some positive)
More optimistic shit, real shit, read this guys is quite funny I am LMAO with it right now

Also, I think I show evidence of moral and intellectual advancement. I'm pretty humane, ethical and
Two words for optimism:
Fuck it. Why? Because realism works better. Because seeing the bright side isn't always the best thing to do. You have to look deep (lol that sounds wrong) into the situation, and not be a blind optimistic.

Alright, onto what you said
How is racism even a thing? Discrimination and prejudice is but racism? People get offended by that shit?
But what's important is the context. If you gonna go up to a black man and say "Nigger go back to your field", now that's racist. Now take this for example. A guy walks up to his black friend and says
"Yo nigga let's hit the streets yo" That's not intended to be racist, it's plainly slang. But I do not support either. First, the word nigger is offensive to black people, Second, why should you ever use 'nigga' for greeting someone? There are a lot of better greetings than nigga.

I pretty much understand and support Imatrx. Our position is now very sensitive we need to choose wisely the people who should join and who shouldn't some people actually gave neutral to applications which didn't have enough effort...
We don't need bad kids in our clan. Science01 have been Racist. Ang3lic as I said he was a pretty bad kid who wanks (He said that to me). As I said before and I will still say it. In lotus xFirexGamer got kicked from the clan because he was kid. And charm1 or something almost destroyed the clan because of a lie and he was being a kid. SO yes. We're about to apply for official. I totally agree with Imatrx. Especially about Ang3lic guys. I don't want him in the clan.
Also hi.
So I see that Nigga word shouldn't be said. But in some ways like, If it's a joke then OK. But we need to Be very careful too as a kid may ask his dad. ''daddy am I nigga? what's nigga, YOU NIGGA?''.
Also I made a new replay with voidexxx it's sparring one:
My first whole spar replay with a clan member.
And I've drawn a new Avatar picture:- Hope you like
Attached Files
Last edited by Wetch; Dec 22, 2015 at 01:30 PM.
Finally you are back Mat. You have been quite inactive lately. If you hadnt posted soon I would have kicked you. Why didnt I tell anything on steam? why should I is the real question.

Seba as you propoused, when we get official we could get an other vid, I just found that song and thought it would be nice to use it in the vid at some point. We dont have to make a new vid now lol.

If you think I said that only for mat you were wrong, I am tired of your stupid fights with him and of other things other members do, each one knows if I am talking about him or not.

Right now we do have to be hard with thwe applicants and yeah once or twice he was rude but he is slowly improving or at least he should be.

Mat I dont want ppl to believe we are abunch of scumbags so you better be nice if you wanna stay here.

Originally Posted by Onsola
you should be respectful, capable of critical thinking, active in both toribash and thread discussions and willing to devote time and effort to the clan.

Are you respectful Mat? I have defended you quite a lot because of your actitues, now its time you start being nicer, at least with those who arent from the clan. However I have only received complains about you from members and not ppl from other clans which is good. If I receive a complain from someone out of this clan and you have no excuse then consider yourself out.

I wouldnt say you have much moral.... and you are definitely not reasonable, or at least you havent prove you are.

Wetch, that drawing was.. hum.. bad yeah sorry but its not good

pd: start using spoiler for the quotes specially when you are quoting large posts and several of them

Onsola's post

that hit me hard as a frisbee hit this dog

lol im gonna stop with this picture now.

alright since you guys are bugging me so much i'll stop with this rude shit till the 4th of january, and you guys tell me how respectful I was during that time.

lmao morality is subjective, thus you cannot measure it just by personal experience. yeah ignore what i said in that post, i was wrong.
i thought reason was related to logic? i think reason can side for evil as well as it can for good. because it simply does not care. if the benefits outweigh the risk, it's reasonable. saying that it's good or bad is subjective, it's morality.

am I respectful? I don't think so. I've been stuck with law, authority and people overruling me it has made me this way. i come to the internet to leave all my real life shit behind, not bring it with me. i hate authority, they will censor anything they can, and will stop you from doing something without reason.
A crook mistakenly made a counterfeit $8 bill instead of a $10 bill. He decided to try it out anyway, so he went to the bank and asked for change.
The teller looked at the $8 bill and gave the crook two $4 bills as change.
You know I dont censor everything I could, and I give good reasons. I just want ppl to see this clan as a respectful one, just that. And I usually let you guys have a decition in important matter while I could just take those decitions by myself.

Do I like authorities? na, I am a bit anarchist myself, but here I have the power and so I will try my best to make it work. I hate bureaucracy but we have to deal with it, there is no way out.

Once we are official I will be a lit less exigent with you guys (but I will be a total führer with those who want to join)

I just want this to work and I want ppl to look up o this clan and say 'wow those guys knew what they were doing' but thats quite hard to nail.

(supe-offtopic, use that pic as ur avatar lol, its quite funny)
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 22, 2015 at 08:16 PM.