Alright but you will have to make good quality posts and post on topic mainly


New topic; what should the other threads in our board be when we become oficial? I said there that I would take into account what u want to add there, keep in mind that I dont want over 10 threads, with 5-10 we are k I guess
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 21, 2015 at 05:43 PM.
I want these threads on the list:

[MAU] Replays
[MAU] Become a Martial Artist
[MAU] Allies/Enemies
[MAU] Basic Rules
[MAU] Ranks
[MAU] Banks

I think that's enough..
Eki was never seen again on here.
Last edited by Corredor; Dec 21, 2015 at 06:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Running away...
Well eki is still quite busy with his test and stuff, remember he told us. I think he will be back by new year Dx

about those threads: some of those I said I will make them, a thread only for the bank.... the rest seem to be alright

and the rest of you guys? what do you think?

Also I found this song which we could use for the next clan video

the song

Last edited by Onsola; Dec 21, 2015 at 06:39 PM.
SO, hello guys.
I'm sorry if this post is kind of random or something. I just want to post and my mind is now on ZERO percent.
SO First, onsola I wanted to ask you what's your profile picture, I've always seen it but I never understood it.
So, Yesterday I was playing in a server /jo public6 and I was fighting so someone said Black Goku, I said you mean ni**a GOKU? Then he though me that I'm racist and then he got a staff ''Moonshake'' And then you know what happens, Nothing happened as i wasn't trying to be Racist.
What do you think of saying the N word should It be illegal or legal ? I think it should be Illegal tho.
Onsola: I think an art thread - Marketing thread - bank (Loans) thread - Chat thread - Clans chat thread ( to communicate with other clans)- War chat - Replays thread... etc.
Also I thought our clan video was good, why are we going to change it? but I like song.
And Hey guys, I don't suggest this guy called Ang3lic to enter the clan, I think he's pretty much a bad kid who watches Po** and he said it himself to me. He's too arrogant with himself, I think he might destroy the whole clan and even make us lose our chance to be official.
Hey Wetch I know who Ang3lic He's a pretty decent tricker he was in a previous clan I think It was Vector, I don't know if he wars or even plays aikido so we'll see, Don't just presume he's going to "Destroy" The clan.

Racism: Well you shouldn't have even brought up "Nigga" but making the word "Nigga" Illegal would be pretty much stupid, Im pretty sure no-one ever uses the word "Nigga" Seriously, Its just used as a friendly term like "Hey, Whats up My Nigga?" Like that Etc.
Last edited by yoshiman60; Dec 21, 2015 at 11:38 PM.

Channel - ok
Well we dont have to end this way:

some people are really sensible so you must choose your words ery carefully when talking to someone who is not from this clan. Nowadays with the rasism and stuff like that there is not much you can say, since almost everything will be offensive even if that wasnt the aim.

I know it is unfare but you will just have to deal with that, we all do.

About my profile pic, here is an other version of the same thing but clearer
(its an old screenshot so you will have to deal with the low graphs)


basicaly a terrorist in an office, a way I like to show myself, if you had me in skype you would see me wearing a balaclava. idk y but I feel kinda identified with that image, like I am organized and 'a good person' but I look like a terrorist.
Originally Posted by Wetch View Post
SO, hello guys.
I'm sorry if this post is kind of random or something. I just want to post and my mind is now on ZERO percent.
SO First, onsola I wanted to ask you what's your profile picture, I've always seen it but I never understood it.
So, Yesterday I was playing in a server /jo public6 and I was fighting so someone said Black Goku, I said you mean ni**a GOKU? Then he though me that I'm racist and then he got a staff ''Moonshake'' And then you know what happens, Nothing happened as i wasn't trying to be Racist.
What do you think of saying the N word should It be illegal or legal ? I think it should be Illegal tho.
Onsola: I think an art thread - Marketing thread - bank (Loans) thread - Chat thread - Clans chat thread ( to communicate with other clans)- War chat - Replays thread... etc.
Also I thought our clan video was good, why are we going to change it? but I like song.
And Hey guys, I don't suggest this guy called Ang3lic to enter the clan, I think he's pretty much a bad kid who watches Po** and he said it himself to me. He's too arrogant with himself, I think he might destroy the whole clan and even make us lose our chance to be official.

hey,don't say words like that,you could've got banned for racism.When people think of a funny,annoying dipsh*t that always fools around,but no,im a very serious guy especially when it's about these types of things.

dude,angelic is 10 i saw him on skype.ewww

anyways onsola about thatsong can you do a remix with this one i found that seems really's ok if its a no but hey depends on you breh

Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
Originally Posted by boogie22 View Post
hey,don't say words like that,you could've got banned for racism.When people think of a funny,annoying dipsh*t that always fools around,but no,im a very serious guy especially when it's about these types of things.

dude,angelic is 10 i saw him on skype.ewww

anyways onsola about thatsong can you do a remix with this one i found that seems really's ok if its a no but hey depends on you breh


Hey boogie welcome but don't just presume that you can get banned for racism. You can't get banned for racism unless you have the most racist username ever like "JewSuck", "BlackFuck", Etc.

I know this because I've seen people trying to report other people cause of racism the gms can't do anything about it, they can't control what the toribash community can or can't do unless it's reasonable to the community.

Also like the video Hope we use it for our vid :^)
Don't think Onsola can remix or mix in general it's really hard. You would probably need a Midi or something.

About Angelic, He's pretty mature that guy is also a pretty decent tricker don't go trying to make a bad name for him he usually won't do or say anything mean unless you're being mean etc.

Also Big Post ;^)
Last edited by yoshiman60; Dec 22, 2015 at 04:14 AM.

Channel - ok
There is no way I makea remix you know, that song I posted is what I would like to use IF we do an other clan vid in the future you know, we already have one which is quite good.

just put the last part of the link to make it work boogie, cool song btw

Rasism is a hard topic to deal with since everyone has their own point of view, and what might be rasist for one is completely ok for the other. That makes judging this cases really hard, ofc some are pretty obvious and those are insta-banned. Not long ago there was a big discussion on if using the word nigga was rasist.

My opinion? Its bullshit, like nobody is getting banned for saying whity. Thats rasism, u get banned if u call a person black but not if you call them white. Honestly the only problem is the people, most complains about the nigga word are not becuse their feelings were hurt but to get some advantage and make the one who said it suffer (with an infraction or ban).

Thats why in most cases they dont do anything, its hard to know what to do if you want to do it right.

Is there any solution to this? yeah, removing the chat lol. As long as ppl can talk they will insult and disrespet, most ppl out there arent too civilized. This is the definition of civilized, taken from

  • having a high state of culture and social developmen.
  • Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable.
  • Marked by refinement in taste and manners.
  • cultured; polite.

Now think of the ppl you have met in toribash, did they all fullfill these? probably no

(yh I dont feel like talking more about pesimistic shit so here is some positive)
More optimistic shit, real shit, read this guys is quite funny I am LMAO with it right now
Last edited by Onsola; Dec 22, 2015 at 04:38 AM.
Originally Posted by yoshiman60 View Post
Hey boogie welcome but don't just presume that you can get banned for racism. You can't get banned for racism unless you have the most racist username ever like "JewSuck", "BlackFuck", Etc.

I know this because I've seen people trying to report other people cause of racism the gms can't do anything about it, they can't control what the toribash community can or can't do unless it's reasonable to the community.

Also like the video Hope we use it for our vid :^)
Don't think Onsola can remix or mix in general it's really hard. You would probably need a Midi or something.

About Angelic, He's pretty mature that guy is also a pretty decent tricker don't go trying to make a bad name for him he usually won't do or say anything mean unless you're being mean etc.

Also Big Post ;^)

dude i got a warning in my alt saying that i once offended a black guy for saying things like "aww shit a nigga RUN" and "nigga's,Monkeys.wots da difference" i got a warning saying that if i ever ddo that again i could have a 2 week ban

dude i know im only saying the guy a perv somethimes,he like r3ap he guy who quit toribash cuz al he does is hunt for girls and say that he wll f*#@ them someday.ok im sorry if i got the wrong idea,but do you REALLY know ang3lic.

Hes filipino,i'll talk to him dun worry bout it i got this wetch and yoshi.although he guy does tend to freak out and leave the server when i ty try to talk too him but thats easy ill just check him out if hes online
Last edited by boogie22; Dec 22, 2015 at 05:03 AM. Reason: missed somethin
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|